Anonymous ID: 4055c6 Dec. 25, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.4470535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549 >>0602



Look at a bunch of IDs in posts here. Can you find a single ID where ANY of the six characters are any of these letters:




Come back when you have one, and reference the post to show us. We'll be amazed and transfixed when you do it!


Until then, the rest of us will continue to believe that all IDs are built from the following list of 16 symbols:




(sorry if I'm responding to a shill. I may be. But I know some people don't know what hexadecimal is, and might go "it's a letter!" when seeing "c" and not realize that a-f are special in this context. So trying to be clear.)

Anonymous ID: 4055c6 Dec. 25, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.4470639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0646 >>0702

That's fine. Glad you caught on to the hex.


Can you specify exactly what you find interesting about the IDs? That will help for coming up with a good statistical answer about the odds that would be expected by random chance.


The odds of "c" being in the last two positions is 1 in 256 (1 in 16 squared.) The odds of the same letter (any letter) being doubled up in the last two positions is 1 in 16 (first one can be any letter, second one has 1-in-16 of being what was chosen the first time.)


I seem to recall this all started with a discussion of the Q&A post Q 2611 saying No to a question about whether JFK Jr is alive. Q's ID throughout the Q&A was 0836cc. But did I see a post tonight comparing this to someone else on 8chan who had a different ….cc ID? Or is your interest just in Q's ID that night? Unclear.

Anonymous ID: 4055c6 Dec. 25, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.4470714   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I went and found the graphic



So. What's special about the 7691cc ID? I see someone asked about JFK Jr but it's not the anon Q replied to (0e29f7). We don't know how many people asked about JFK Jr that night. That makes a difference.


Also, why the last 2 characters in particular? If the FIRST 2 had matched, you might see that as special. Or the middle two. So we have to consider how many commonalities would count as a "hit" to figure out how unlikely it is.


Same last 2 chars in both Q and a random other poster: 1 in 256. (Take one ID as fixed, 1 in 16 for each of the chars in the other ID) But if the first 2 chars would also be a hit, that makes it half as unlikely, etc.