Did the short bus just drop another load off at 8chan? Even the shills had some semblance of integrity compared to what I'm seeing since I logged in tonight.
I see a plane just fine. Perhaps the gov anon was correct and your mind is just too weak to break free of the narrative that's being pushed? Maybe you're so hopelessly dependent on it that your mind is creating your own reality and you're mentally prepared to defend it, rather than accepting truth as it's presented? This was all solved nearly a year ago in this very room. Confirmed by Q as well, why is it be renewed with the same conspiracy missile bs as it was last time? Can only be paid shills here attempting to create a last minute distraction.
I dunno mate, seems like he knows what he's talking about to me. Have you ever smithed or smelted steel? You know it's heated and tapped with a hammer, to shape it as wanted right?
I think Q wants everyone to know the truth, which is why he confirmed a plane hit the pentagon. I think the C_A shills find it dangerous for anons to know the truth, therefore, continuously arouse and tout the idea of a missile being used.
Do you want to know why you sound so idiotic?
A missile would have blown the roof up, to the sides and every which way for 100's of yards. If it was loaded with concrete instead of explosives, it would have been too heavy to make the flight. If it was loaded with inert components ( meaning the explosives were not explosive) there wouldn't have been enough weight or mass to cause the damage that it did cause.
A plane however, would have done pretty much exactly what has been done, complete with dead bodies and plane parts.
And for the record, missile parts would have been much easier to find than plane parts. Planes are very light weight and not designed for impact, like missiles are. You really should educate yourself more so you don't look like such a fool in public, on an image board where the entire world is watching you.