Anonymous ID: 16c52a Dec. 25, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.4470814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0822 >>0824 >>0889 >>0909 >>0911 >>0923 >>0933 >>1326

>>4470696 pb

Anon, there is no missile in the arsenal that matches what is shown in the video - short of something like an Ares rocket, and the object in question would have to be flying at over a thousand meters per second to have anything close to a flat ballistic trajectory.


If you want to argue that they launched an Ares rocket at the Pentagon in a flat ballistic arc... Well... Have fun with that.


As for the pilot, it is rather simple to fly a plane. They are designed to fly in a straight line, usually, as it makes little sense for them to be built to fly in random directions. The pilot flew around the Pentagon a few times. This was not only to identify the pentagon, but also to identify the landmarks showing him what angle he needed to approach from. He was aiming for a specific side.


This is the detail they want to obscure. Why would a hijacker have a preference for the side of the pentagon that was hit? Well... What side was hit? The accounting department... How convenient. I'm sure lots of records and auditing work were lost. Oops.


The skill necessary to make the descent is "can you drive a car into the side of a barn?"

Yes. Yes you can. It's well within the flight envelope of the airframe (actually, very leisurely), and we are barely pulling more than half a G in any direction. Over level flight.

Anonymous ID: 16c52a Dec. 25, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.4470997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The reason I am not good at shilling is because I know how to tell the truth, anon.



A terrorist wouldn't…

But what about CIA black ops?


Hassan Al Banna

Muslim Brotherhood

Operation Cyclone

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda is a CIA asset - it's all public record, anon.

This is the deception of 9/11, or one of the larger facets of it, at least.


The Pentagon was doing an audit of defense spending and other such things. They announced that they lost track of quite a bit - then we have 9/11, where the target is financials and audit.


Understand that the records didn't need to be directly destroyed - only a justification given for them to no longer be available. They could have been shredded or burned ahead of the attack and then the assumption been that they were lost in the attack.


So… That is what changes about the attack when we insert a missile into the equation. Suddenly, we are engaged in trying to convince people it wasn't a plane, and that the military just decided to shoot a missile at the pentagon …. Claim it was a plane … And… ? Profit?

No - the real missile routine is designed to obfuscate the implications of a manned plane choosing that specific side of the pentagon after circling it a few times. The implication being that the CIA was involved in developing and coordinating the attack.


This has deeper implications - Bin Laden founded many of the AQ cells, but those cells were operating in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, and many other places around the world. AQ was primarily a CIA network and Bin Laden was not necessarily in control over it. It could even be argued that he was considered a liability if kept alive.


Recall the books in his collection that were found.


All of this is right there in front of you, you just have to expand your thinking. My project on linking all of it together was dropped after the thread was deleted or slid off the board. I have very close to the 40k view.

Anonymous ID: 16c52a Dec. 25, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.4471127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140 >>1143


When 30+ stories fall 3 meters, they have more than enough energy to fall through the floors below, and each will give way instantaneously, providing literally no resistance.


Sure, if you were talking about a small 20 story building, you would be correct, but on a building as large as the WTC, the raw mass of the structure is far greater than the area strength of its components. This leads to the cubic-square law being an issue.


If you want to argue that one floor was rigged for demolition, just to make sure the buildings collapsed, that is one thing. But once one floor gave way, the whole building would collapse at something that is effectively freefall. That is just how such a big structure is going to go. And physics dictate it will go into its own footprint - by your own given formula.

Anonymous ID: 16c52a Dec. 25, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.4471189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220


I think it's a lot of newfags. Not new to the chans, but new to research in general. The chans lack the structure of the boards we grew up on and debated each other on. The chan boards are more instant and spontaneous. Many of those who have been doing research on this type of platform haven't really been in a situation where they have been proven wrong.


That, combined with active psy-ops on the subject makes it easy for them to swap group-think and "fuck these liars" in for self-actualized, rational thought.

Anonymous ID: 16c52a Dec. 25, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.4471468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1509


As I explained…


I know the reasons why the Pentagon was hit. It is amusing to me how little people have wanted to discuss Al Qaeda and the CIA's relationship. For a long time, now, this has stuck out to me on these boards.


Signature for you. Hime knows what I mean.


Flight simulators are regularly available. There are even freeware FAA licensed varieties for training. Perhaps I should load the scenario up and show you. The difficult part of flying an airplane is when you are going to fly by instruments or the landing… That's the part that gets kind of hard.


Flying into something is really not hard. Getting close to the ground is not hard.


But enough about that. I have given you all hard evidence that links the CIA to Al Qaeda and the hijacking plans. Granted, that's been in the past… So, here…


Pics related….


So… I ask again…


Why was it the case that the pentagon's auditing wing was hit by a terrorist attack from Al Qaeda sources?