Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.4470755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0787 >>0844

Louise Mensch & Co. were very pro-Mattis in spite of their role in creating RussiaGate Narrative. The whole group are over the top with no self-awareness of their cringy pandering to "Muh-NeoCon'nProud" Patriotism. Early on, they went 0-10 with insanity like "Trump's gonna die in jail, according to my friend in the NSA" and "Putin killed Andrew Breitbart!!!" citing ONLY their connections to FVEY intelligence circles.

All this, and they haven't stopped throwing their support for Mattis if he ran.


Because everyone wants War.

Everyone wants the War on Terrorism to last longer by refusing to stand for the American people's Right to Liberty and Independence.

It is the last domino to fall in the Old Guard's OPTICS. Having not lived as long with our technology and freedom, we are settling into a post-Collectivism world where technology bypasses duty to the group, as duty to the group has manifested in our modern industry.


Mattis is like most people. Theyre going with the Players and accepting the Silicon Valley framing with Climate Change as a scapegoat for covert warfare. Import our resources from other countries and create a service economy of millenials that would buy HRC's explanation for apocalyptic happenings as human-caused reprimand for emitting carbon. Truth won, on Nov 8th, as the American people had Trump that knew the Truth.

We have all the pieces; Patriots, all over, have collected together with no common cause other than Common Sense, staying focused as the 150 year war on Freedom almost reached its conclusion, with the War on Terror.

Redefining this War through race, religion and nationality is ineffective and only worth of ridicule, as we see that Freedom comes in one form, and no other ideas other than Liberty for All Individuals created the World we live in today, to fight for the Freedom to BE OURSELVES. Everyone can, and it begins with every bureaucrat nannystate tiddlywink not getting away from his citizens' injustices through gang violence and narrative misdirection.

That the most powerful people in the world have been using Marxist social science lingo like tradecraft and OPSEC in a culture of covert subversion and subversive conversion is not only very sad but very funny.

That our aggression is justified as defense from potential aggression is no more fucking insane than any sjw or offended normie drowning from Le Cool-aqid

Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.4471121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1309


Order is not "Natural", in the sense that is removed from consciousness. Our Order is not automatic or intuitive; it is conceptual and dependent upon conscious human beings for it to manifest.

I'd say the 40kft view is where a notion like yours of a Natural Order would make more sense. Families are families, no disputing that. The concepts by which families govern themselves have progressed considerably, but our innovation and industry in the modern sense has relinquished any alternative to individual liberty as a rational and practical means of governance.

Expressing conscious phenomenon with unconscious qualities results in delaying an appropriate identification for consciousness evading objectivity in its actions and thinking.

Law establishes force with concepts that are either bound to reality by the value of liberty for all or liberty for none. The in-between is akin to the game of poker before the Internet, slow to change and quick to deride and evade identification of absolutes in order to contain competitive theory.

Life isn't a game, it's Life before it's a game, like Marijuana is a plant before it's a drug. The conscious phenomenon is the same between the two; the input is never not consciousness. The War on Marijuana is but one component of the War on Life, in which reality is identified by tribal thinking of the past that's currently getting its comeuppance with the Internet enabling more people to enjoy objectivity's value in identification (consciousness/spirituality)

Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.4471220   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When has a POTUS used an anime-image board to bypass foreign interest in your children's freedom?

Lots of new visitors.

History is what we were raised to think is an immovable ledger of Today's Hope and Tomorrow's Maybe. History is same thing now: People and Memories.


Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 11 p.m. No.4471293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1339


Deflating costs is when we conquer scarcity without force. Buying power is clap-trap for living in a country with the freedom to keep what you make equally with your neighbor.

Because it's illegal to trade, the activity of trade's yet to be meaningfully developed with our technology and abundance of resources.

SocJus is distracting for Justice; property rights and objective rule of law, with non-violent activity recognized to be non-violent objectively, so further State-sanctioned rights violations are minimized with Common Sense accountability

Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.4471349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many indebted don't have a competitive finance industry to've settled for alternatives. Just as many are victims of Obamacare; a lack of choice means the cure is more choice. Only one way to curtail choice: write a law and make everyone think they need the law. Theater.


Debt forgiveness will be more about communities reorganizing themselves to homestead with technology and equal rights. Our lack of property rights has created a lifestyle for service economic subversion. That one can crack a hole in the ground and convert carbon14 into energy is the future alternative to welfare state.

Anonymous ID: 8752a1 Dec. 25, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.4471411   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Use rivers for industry and not sophistry. Publicly owned property is merely property for Big Business to depreciate and violate the property rights of others WITHOUT accountability.

Lots of CERTAIN ACTIVITY occurs with this infrastructure, i.e. Clintons in Little Rock; Lawrence King/George HW Bush in Boystown, Nebraska; Paul Bonnacci in Colorado, etc