Anonymous ID: 257cda Dec. 26, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.4472480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2489




In 1913, Jewish Bankers Usurped The US Treasury, the US Constitution, and put America's Money System Into Their PRIVATE Ownership For Profit


*Under our US Constitution, the US Treasury creates our country's $$$Money. It used to be called "Sound Money" because it was GOLD Backed. Real Value. That's why Quarters, Dimes and Nickels used to be made of 90% Real SILVER.


*1910 The Bankers' Plot to STEAL the Power of the US Treasury for their own Profit was hatched in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island. Congressmen were then bribed, blackmailed to betray our country, also President Woodrow Wilson to turn over the Power to Create Money to a group of Private Banking Families.



The 3 rich men who were against this Theft of our country's Public Treasury Money System were all killed on the Titanic.(Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus, John Jacob Astor IV)



*1933 Gold Confiscation - they made it Illegal for Americans to own Gold, and confiscated the People's Gold at the official low price of $20.67 per Troy ounce.

*1964, the corrupted Government stopped making coins out of Real Silver.





*Constitutional US Treasury - Creates and prints all the money that the US Government needs = NO DEBT.


*Federal Reserve Bank - PRIVATELY OWNED By Bankers. They put the word "Federal" in the name to Trick the Public into thinking that it was a Government owned Bank. Even today many Americans don't know this Fact. Unconstitutional.


For 105 Years, the Names of WHO OWNS the Federal Reserve Bank was/is a tightly held SECRET so that We, the People are still fooled by them.


How The "Federal" Reserve SCAM Works


*1. The "Federal" Reserve Private Bankers determines how much money to LOAN to the US Government each year. Creates "Money" Out Of Thin Air = FIAT Money backed by nothing. Numbers In A Computer.

Then it determines the Interest Rate that the US Government must pay them for the Loan of the money = US $21.6 TRILLION Dollars of DEBT. (2018)


*2. The "Federal" Reserve authorizes the Printing and dissemination of the Money to the US Government.


*3. The US Government then Pays Back The Money + Interest to the Private Banking Families Who Own the "Federal Reserve". Of course, their true Private Ownership is disguised under the False appearance of "joint" control with the Government, with the President appointing the Fed Chairman. However, the Board of Governors, the Directors are elected by Other Commercial Bankers. Stock dividends, Paid Back Money Profits are all Private.


This is how they Own Everything Valuable In The World - Vast Estates, Finest Gigantic Diamonds, 300 Foot Yachts, Lamborghinis, Luxury Penthouses, Incredible Amounts of Money.


Private Bankers Create $$$Money Out of Thin Air→ Loans It To Our Government →Taxpayer Hard Earned $$$Dollars Pay Back This Loan + Interest To Private "Fed" Bankers


ALL $PROFITS From This "Federal Reserve" SCAM Goes Into Private Bankers Pockets



*It costs (((them))) nothing, It costs American Taxpayers Everything.



Anonymous ID: 257cda Dec. 26, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.4472504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2512 >>2543


Anna von Reitz calls herself a "Judge" - Total Lie.

She has never been a lawyer nor a judge.

Delusions of Grandeur - part of the old tired "Redemption" Scam.


video: Fake Judge Anna Von Reitz Follower Sentenced to 38 Years In Prison.

Anonymous ID: 257cda Dec. 26, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.4472583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592


Winston Shrout Sentenced to 10 Years In Prison


Many of his followers who did what he preached have been sent to Federal Prison. Including Winston Shrout's stepdaughter.


Go ahead, follow in these Scammers footsteps, you'll get free room and board at any Federal Prison. I'm sure you'll enjoy Prison.