Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 3:51 a.m. No.4472329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2336 >>2504



Where is Q?


"National" Bankruptcies and Qanon

By Anna Von Reitz

It is impossible – literally impossible – for such a thing as a "National Bankruptcy" to exist with

reference to a sovereign state.

A sovereign state is never eligible for bankruptcy protection, which means that any "nation" being

bankrupted has to be a "dependent sovereignty" and cannot be the actual country or people of a


Thus, if we are all being made to suffer for the sins of a wasteful and criminal political minority living

among us, it is more than past time for us to recognize what these people are doing and how they

are doing it, and put a stop to it.

The Qanon motto: "Where We Go One, We Go All" is a fine enough and catchy sentiment. I like it, but

I observe that up until now, that has not been the reality.

Instead, we've had a determined, crooked, and reprehensible minority of political lobbying interests

camped out in Washington, DC, exercising authority never granted to them under the pretense that

our States magically disappeared simply because our Federal States of States were destabilized in

the wake of the illegal commercial mercenary conflict known as the "Civil War".

[Please note how fond the Liars are of the oxymoron : "civil war", "sovereign citizen", "liberal Left",

etc., etc., etc., ]

The actual duty of both the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments should have been to

help us reorganize the Federal States of States, not tidily moth-ball them without proper Notice and

substitute their own franchises instead. So, "Where We Go One, We Go All" was certainly not our

experience with any Federal entity to date and we are curious to know what Qanon intends?

A reversal of past practices that divided America into American Slaves, Territorial Slaves, and

Municipal Slaves? What now? Are we all to become UN Slaves?

Or is this slogan meant to represent a truly reformed American Government that includes Territorial

and Municipal citizens as equals along with everyone else—free to enjoy their Natural and

Unalienable Rights along with the rest of us?

This latter proposition I could support, as the entire idea of having different "kinds" of citizenship in

America, some of them being second-class and some being third-class, is against our founding

principles and common sense.

But as long as Qanon remains in the shadows and doesn't explain things in a forthright fashion, I

assume nothing.

Making assumptions is how we all got into this mess in the first place.

Remember reading about the "Reconstruction" in U.S. History 101, and assuming that because all

that happened 100 years ago (150 now) it had to be all complete, finished, over and done with?


Enough said.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4 a.m. No.4472373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Fastest Move Ever Against The IRS


Now I know many of you are suffering the plague of the IRS or from fear of the IRS, or both.

And we all know that everything has been politicized by these vermin infesting DC, so that if you do

anything at all to displease one of them or have anything that they want, they sic the IRS on you as

their first move.

So there is need for a fast and sure remedy, an answer for all classes of people, in all various political


Here is the fastest move ever against the IRS, brought to you by one of my friends, Vern.

It's not the kind of permanent solution that revocation of election offers, or that forcing them to

admit lack of jurisdiction offers (the Texas Method) — but it stops them dead and then leaves them

abruptly beating feet out of Dodge.

That can be a very handy thing to have in your back pocket, so here it is to know and to share:

The only domestic currency that the Federales have had since 1913 is the Federal Reserve Note,

which by definition is a Promissory Note — an I.O.U. which is evidence of debt, not evidence of


So as long as they don't pay you anything but their eternal indebtedness, you have no profit, and if

you have no profit you have no income, which is defined as "profit separated from capital".

This also proves that at least since 1913 they have been knowingly collecting Federal Income Taxes

under false pretenses and owe everyone — including federal employees — the return of all that

credit plus interest.

What were we thinking? What were we allowing them to do?

First, they got our goods and labor for nothing but hot air and paper, and then they taxed us heavily

for the privilege…..just another little fact that needs to be brought home to the perpetrators.

The glory of this reply is that it works for everyone at all times and in all circumstances. It doesn't

matter if you are a federal employee or working in the private sector. It doesn't matter if the

"PERSON" being taxed is an "individual" or a business. It doesn't even matter that the entity being

addressed is a PERSON and not a member of the people.

There's no profit in a debt and never has been.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.4472378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kill the IRS? It's Already Dead


Ever heard of a "dead man walking" – well, that's the IRS. Not only has it been gutted and most of its

work force laid off, but it has no contract and no real purpose.

As the Grace Report revealed in 1980, all the money collected by the IRS didn't even pay the interest

on the National Debt of the Territorial United States. That wasn't the point.

We were misled into assuming that our tax dollars were paying for public services, but that paradigm

went out in the 1930's. No, actually, the only function of all the tax payments extorted out of the

majority of Americans was to act as a "valve" to control the money supply and moderate the growth

of inflation.

Inflation continued to act as a merciless silent tax and to gnaw away at the value of the U.S. fiat

domestic currency, but those annual collections slowed the process down to the Frog Boiling

Temperature preferred by the banks, who naturally wanted to milk the embezzlement and

racketeering and keep "the Natives" from figuring it all out as long as possible.

Haven't you all noticed that the Federal Reserve building in NYC is all boarded up and how many of

the IRS Offices have closed their doors? Their mail is being forwarded. They can't find enough

Americans who will work for them anymore. All the "agents" have false names, but now the false

names are things like: "Amber Gouderaineroneff" and "Malcolm Flackenbuster" and they tend to have

foreign accents.

They are scurrying around, head down, eyes scanning the periphery and quickly glancing behind.

They can feel the flames licking at their boot heels. They know the jig is up. Even the dumbest

among them has heard the word and seen the pink slips.

Well, what's the use of collecting up the I.O.U.'s when the Federal Reserve System is bankrupt? Force

of habit?

Still trying to claim that there is some kind of a war on somewhere, as a justification for not ending

The Victory Tax that should have ended — no questions asked — in 1945?

Reminds me of my Uncle Jesse Myrick on my Father's side of the family staring dolefully at the clock:

"Damn!" he'd say sadly, "it's only four o'clock and I would love a cold beer……"

He'd drum his fingers on the table, glance around to see where his wife was, give me a sidelong look

and say in a stage whisper, "Oh, well, it must be five o'clock somewhere!" –and begin making

himself a Red Beer.

They, the members of Congress, have cause to know that the government isn't funded with tax


They know that except for Slush, there hasn't been a rational excuse to continue collecting taxes

since the Federal Reserve bankrupted the trademarked Federal Reserve System in 2009, but they've

kept up the fraud and racketeering just the same.

It's all been business as usual. Until now, when the Municipal Government has been left unfunded

and without a contract for cause.

Shame on them and shame on us for letting the members of the US CONGRESS and their Agents get

away with defrauding and harassing and plundering us for the better part of a hundred years.

Let's finish it and be wise enough not to accept their "offer" to establish a 17% sales tax, either. Such

proposals should be taken in light of what they already owe us.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:17 a.m. No.4472433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2516 >>3033



Just need Q to come fuck shit up…


Without Q we are here:


"National" Bankruptcies and Qanon


It is impossible – literally impossible – for such a thing as a "National Bankruptcy" to exist with

reference to a sovereign state.

A sovereign state is never eligible for bankruptcy protection, which means that any "nation" being

bankrupted has to be a "dependent sovereignty" and cannot be the actual country or people of a


Thus, if we are all being made to suffer for the sins of a wasteful and criminal political minority living

among us, it is more than past time for us to recognize what these people are doing and how they

are doing it, and put a stop to it.

The Qanon motto: "Where We Go One, We Go All" is a fine enough and catchy sentiment. I like it, but

I observe that up until now, that has not been the reality.

Instead, we've had a determined, crooked, and reprehensible minority of political lobbying interests

camped out in Washington, DC, exercising authority never granted to them under the pretense that

our States magically disappeared simply because our Federal States of States were destabilized in

the wake of the illegal commercial mercenary conflict known as the "Civil War".

[Please note how fond the Liars are of the oxymoron : "civil war", "sovereign citizen", "liberal Left",

etc., etc., etc., ]

The actual duty of both the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments should have been to

help us reorganize the Federal States of States, not tidily moth-ball them without proper Notice and

substitute their own franchises instead. So, "Where We Go One, We Go All" was certainly not our

experience with any Federal entity to date and we are curious to know what Qanon intends?

A reversal of past practices that divided America into American Slaves, Territorial Slaves, and

Municipal Slaves? What now? Are we all to become UN Slaves?

Or is this slogan meant to represent a truly reformed American Government that includes Territorial

and Municipal citizens as equals along with everyone else—free to enjoy their Natural and

Unalienable Rights along with the rest of us?

This latter proposition I could support, as the entire idea of having different "kinds" of citizenship in

America, some of them being second-class and some being third-class, is against our founding

principles and common sense.

But as long as Qanon remains in the shadows and doesn't explain things in a forthright fashion, I

assume nothing.

Making assumptions is how we all got into this mess in the first place.

Remember reading about the "Reconstruction" in U.S. History 101, and assuming that because all

that happened 100 years ago (150 now) it had to be all complete, finished, over and done with?


Enough said.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:22 a.m. No.4472449   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Comment on "Natural Law" and "Indigenous" Claims


Comment on "Natural Law" and "Indigenous" Claims


The "Natural Law" is that we are all here NOW, and we are the current proprietors— all of us,

black, white, brown, copper, yellow, pink—- and it doesn't matter where our ancestors came

from or how long ago they arrived on these shores. All these "indigenous claims" are just

more bullshit and excuses for one group of people to claim a hammer over other groups of

people and I am sick of it.

We are ALL "indigenous" to this soil who were born here. Our Mothers all took up the

nutrients and atoms to form our bodies from this same soil. How dare anyone pretend


So we are all "indigenous" to this soil and this country and we are all alive right now, having

an equal standing and claim to be part of it all. Stop all this whining about what went on in the

past. The past is past. Get your heads screwed on tight and make ready for the future which

you all get a chance to help decide.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:28 a.m. No.4472466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2496








Witches V. Satanists


I have already explained — many times — how Satanists operate: they pretend to BE their targeted

enemy, do their dirty work, and leave their "target" (also called, "the mark" in slang) to take the


When the Phoenicians (aka "phonies") fled to Britain once their activities in Portugal and Spain were

discovered and they were forced to hot foot it out of those countries circa 600 BC, one of the first

groups to suffer their competition were the native Druids and witches of the British Isles.

Contrary to what you have been taught, and largely because of this Phoenician Satanist invasion of

Britain, there are good witches — both Green and White.

These groups known originally as "Covenants" left to themselves are peaceful students of Nature

who study Nature's Creator through contemplation and exploration of the Creation. They were known

as "The Wise" because they inevitably learned many things about how the physical and energetic

world operates. They loved music and poetry and created beautiful works of art that mirrored back

the handiwork of the True God.

White Witches devoted their lives to discerning and overcoming and outsmarting and deflecting evil

powers of all kinds.

Green Witches devoted their lives to healing and learning the healing properties of plants and foods

and waters and sounds. They were our first pharmacists and midwives.

All this is a far cry from the foul and nasty reputation of "witches" who eat little children and cook

them in ovens, witches who deceive wayfarers on the highway to rob them and lure them to their

deaths, who spoil the milk and deflower virgins, who spread disease from town to town, who peddle

recreational drugs, who put "curses" on everything, who engage in gross orgies, who set fire to the

grain storages to hide the fact that they've robbed them and who carry gossip and speak ill of others

and cause feuds and bear false witness and…..

Oh, but, hey, we've heard all this before, haven't we? Burning children in ovens….where have we

heard of that? Deceivers, liars, curse-mongers—sound familiar? Wild orgies and perverse sex?

Drugs? Disease? Robberies? Arson? Murder?

This is nothing but the same-old-story of the Satanists infiltrating the pre-existing benign culture of

the Druids, polluting it from within, and ultimately destroying it.

It's the same thing they did to Judah (Torah) by pretending to be "Jewish" (Talmud) in the run up to

the Second World War.

It's the same thing they tried to do with "ISIS" in the Middle East against the Muslims.

And it's the same thing they are trying to do with the Catholic Church right now, today.

They pretend to be their virtuous enemies, gain a toe-hold like a parasite, then corrupt their targets

as much as possible, misrepresent them as much as possible, and then skate off, leaving "the mark"

to be blamed and to pay the price of their wrong-doing.

The witches of Britain have taken it in the shorts like everyone else, been infiltrated and soiled by

these worms, and blamed accordingly. I feel like I have to say this explicitly for people so they don't

go running off on any literal "witch hunts" or get confused between Satanists and Druids.

Enough innocent people have suffered already. We owe it to the millions of dead and the billions who

have been robbed to get it straight and turn our Shinola Sensors on.

Read more here —————————- Witches V. Satanists

Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.4472489   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q what's the dealio???


IMF "Take Over" of Federal Reserve


Most people will be alarmed to hear rumors of an IMF take over of the Federal Reserve.

The IMF organized and promoted by the Rockefeller interests and Oil Barons has been functioning as

the "U.S. Treasury" since shortly after the Second World War. They have used the IMF for no end of

market manipulations and political intrigues and false claims in commerce.

That said, the Federal Reserve fronted by the Warburgs and Rothschilds is even older and worse in its

own sluggish nasty way.

So you have the spectacle of the snakes eating each other, and quarreling over which tail is which.

The important take home point is that despite the pandering and plumage, they are all snakes, they

are all criminals, and a choice between raspberry feces and vanilla feces is still an insane non-choice

scenario for the rest of us.

Asked by a friend this afternoon to name a bank with "clean hands" I couldn't name one major

international bank that is less than pitch black filthy. None.

Asked what I would do, I said — take them over, establish new management, establish new

regulatory agencies, and stand with both feet on their necks until the end of time.

Until we all grow up and get rid of the entire concept of money and "representations of value" and

adopt a sane worldwide currency based on all commodities, all natural resources, and all labor

assets, keeping both feet on the banker's necks is the only answer.

The moment you let up on one of them, he sets out to free all the rest of them from competent

regulation. They are like gang members. They have the Big "B" tattoo on their chests.

A bunch of silly Nellies are running around predicting chaos and meltdowns and rioting in the streets

if the Federal Reserve is taken down. I got news for them. They bankrupted the "Federal Reserve

System" in 2009, so all that was protected by Mama Vatican and the Slime Balls in the United States

Bar Association, instead of being returned to the lawful Priority Creditors —-us.

The time for rioting and giving a damn about the "Federal Reserve" was ten years ago or more. The

time to liquidate the IMF and blast the Rockefeller Mobsters off their French thrones is right about


All those assets —- all of them —- belong to us. The "National Debt" belongs to us. The Bid Bonds

and labor contracts — ours, ours, ours. The indemnity bonds and guarantees and bottomry bonds

and "Life Force Value Annuities" —- all ours. The CUSIP bonds — ours, again. All the Puerto Rican

Foreign Grantor Trusts —- ours, nobody else's. All the IRS collections, all the Internal Revenue

Service collections, and all the property taxes and mortgages —- all of it, is owed to us, minus a

relatively small fee for services we actually contracted for and actually received under the

stipulations of our Constitutions.

And these criminals, including the IMF, are trying to say that they are our Trustees and that they are

collecting "for" us.

Have you heard enough of this chant and rant? We don't have any Trustees.

The Trustees who were supposed to be safeguarding our interests were worse than common thieves.

So….. guess what?

We are standing here on our own flat little feet demanding the return of our rights, titles, and

interests, our assets, our labor, our rents and leases, our fees, our property in sum total. Now.

No Karen Hudes, no Kim Goguen, no IMF, no middlemen "representing" us and administrating our

estates "for" us. They are nothing but Executors de Son Tort — a phrase that can only be answered

for with Autrefois Convict.

Just dump it all into our bank and we will tend to our own business from now on.

We will sort through the horrible mess that all these very competent and important and highly

educated people have made, and bring relief at last, with decency and common sense that has been

completely lacking for decades.

Let the IMF be forewarned—- they aren't our Treasury and they aren't our Trustees and as much as

we despise and care nothing for the Federal Reserve, in our view, the IMF is not a bit better.

We will nail them both to the wall for fraud and mis-representation with equal alacrity and we will

demand their liquidation if they steal one peso from any American and that means all the Americans

who have been mis-identified on purpose as British Territorial "Citizens", too.

Got that, Butch?

I can't think of a single international commercial bank that deserves to survive a liquidation

challenge for criminal activity. Not one.


Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:51 a.m. No.4472520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2569



dammit anons PROVE bad anna orange with sauce or STFU


If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:59 a.m. No.4472543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2583



dumb fuck heres muh fake follower souce:


About Winston Shrout

By Anna Von Reitz

So, WINSTON SHROUT was convicted of "income tax" offenses.

You can only be convicted of such offenses if you or your "vessels" owe such taxes— right?

And no "vessel" permanently domiciled on the land and soil of an American State owes such taxes,

because why?

Because all our taxes of every kind on all vessels whether trading vessels or commercial vessels are

either tax exempt or tax pre-paid, a condition known as "tax percuse". So long as these "vessels" are

operating as American vessels, they are safe.

It's only when these names can be mistaken as British Territorial or Municipal United States VESSELS

that they can be taxed.

So—that in turn tells you that Winston never went through the process of reclaiming his Good Name

and Estate and re-conveying them to the land and soil of the American State where he was actually

born. He never recorded his claim to his own name and estate, or if he did, he didn't bring that

recorded information forward to the District Attorney and others responsible—-most particularly, the

Clerk of Court.

If you have your paperwork in order and on the record and you look the Clerk in the eye and say,

"You are operating under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act" that is as good

as saying, "Caught you. Prove that I am an enemy combatant or yield."

But, Winston never re-flagged his "vessels" in international trade and commerce—- never

permanently domiciled these NAMES on the land and soil of one of the sovereign States via a

recorded claim presented to the Clerk of Court.

If he had recorded his Re-Conveyance and his Certificate of Assumed Name and his two Witnesses

confirming that he was the "Winston Shrout" whose actual birth was recorded on the BC issued by

the Territorial State of State — that is, if he had proof that he was operating as an American

Vessel/VESSEL — their court couldn't say anything to him, much less accuse him of a foreign

statutory crime or successfully try him.

From the above, we know that he was operating "WINSTON SHROUT" as a British Territorial Vessel

belonging to the British Crown. And none of those vessels are tax pre-paid. All such "U.S. Citizens"

operating under the "Diversity Clause" owe federal income taxes.

As a result, his remedies worked as long as the other Party was solvent. Once they declared

bankruptcy, no Mutual Offset Credit Exchange was possible, because the bankrupt entity had no

credit left to exchange. And as we all know, you can't bring claims against a bankrupt.

This is exactly the reason that I issued the Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the

unincorporated States of the Union, so that people could switch from remedy based on Mutual Offset

Credit Exchange to remedy based on making an insurance claim against the Underwriters of the

bankrupt entities.

So — Mistake Number One — continuing to operate as a British Territorial Citizen and/or Municipal

United States CITIZEN when you don't have to, and thereby subjecting your Name / NAME to their

jurisdiction and having no evidence on the public record to counterclaim against their presumptions.

Mistake Number Two — not claiming exemption and revoking "election" to pay federal income taxes

BEFORE they bring their claims. Remember— first in line, first in time. Hit them BEFORE they hit





Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 4:59 a.m. No.4472544   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mistake Number Three – continuing to use remedies that became "discretionary" for the Federales in

1999, and using these remedies even after the Federal entities are bankrupted.

Mistake Number Four – not observing that these vermin are acting under the 1933 Amendment to

the Trading With the Enemy Act and holding the actual Holder in Due Course as Surety for their debt,

which is a securities fraud of very high order resulting in a war crime that carries a capital crime

charge with it.

Read that, they can be hung for doing what they are doing.

It is called "salacious securities fraud with intent to foment sedition". Reduce that to plain English,

they are setting up a situation where normal people will start to riot and hang the perpetrators in the


Once you give them Notice of that fact and claim "Habeas Corpus – deliver the body to me." they are

also looking at civil fines described under 18 USC 472 and are in violation of UCC Article 9, Section

402, which clearly states that the Secured Party (the American) is not surety for the DEBTOR (the

U.S. Citizen/ CITIZEN) entity.

So, bottom line, as usual, they convicted WINSTON, a Municipal franchise entity, not Winston, the

man, and they have offered to incarcerate the man as "cargo" on the foreign Municipal United States


The man can counter-offer at any time, by going directly to the Clerk and the DA and delivering his

demand. It's not as strong when he hasn't bothered to do his paperwork to reclaim his birthright

political status, but they are still attempting to railroad him under the 1933 Amendment to the

Trading with the Enemy Act, they still have no excuse for doing so, they are still subject to all the

penalties once he calls them on it, and they are still committing securities fraud by holding the actual

Holder in Due Course as surety for WINSTON's debts in violation of UCC 9-402.

WINSTON = "U.S. Citizen" = DEBTOR.

Winston = American (if he claims it properly) = Priority Creditor

We are closing in on the whole lash-up, so I don't expect that Winston or anyone else is going to be

held for very much longer, with or without exercising their proper options and claims as Americans.

We have returned all the State of State and STATE OF STATE and State Trusts to the control and

ownership of the sovereign unincorporated States, so all this horse hooey based on similar names

deceits is coming to an end.




Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 5:23 a.m. No.4472638   🗄️.is 🔗kun




you are so fucking gay faggot its pathetic


Basics of Birth Certificates


To Be Clear About the Paperwork


The Paperwork Debate


Notice to All Wannabe Interlopers:


Acceptance of Titles – International Notice


Paper Monsters


The Right Way, the Wrong Way, and No Way


Unincorporated, Corporate, and Incorporated

Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.4472815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Want to End all Taxation?



TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) - The time has come!

Brought to you by the TRFA (Tax Retirement Fund Association)


The people should truly own government, not the other way around. A society where government works truly for the people with the people maintaining their own productivity value, and the natural wealth of the land maintained.


"We the people" as the "First Line Beneficiary" and owners of the United States of America.


  1. What is Taxation? ANSWER: A revenue source.


  1. What is Investment Return? ANSWER: A revenue Source.


  1. What do Enterprise operations do? ANSWER: Generate a revenue Source.


The Big question of ending all taxation?


ANSWER: Use #2 & #3 to knock out #1


TRF management teams can eliminate taxation one venue at a time.


  • Pension management accounts are established to pay salaries and benefits at retirement from the investment return generated.


** TRF management accounts are established to pay local government (City; County; School District; State) general purpose operating costs from the investment and Enterprise return generated. Taxation ended!


Ready to make it happen? If the answer is yes, then pass the WORD and let the cognitive thinking for effective application of the TRF begin!


If you would like to be on the National E-Mail list of please CLICK HERE and select the mail list of You will be added to the email list and receive periodical updates on the national tax retirement project.


Remember the past, so you know what is important today for : "Our Future"



Every City, County, State, one at a time, done independently by the efforts of many from all across the land. and

Anonymous ID: 486fff Dec. 26, 2018, 6:25 a.m. No.4472939   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gold jumps to highest in over half year

Prices of precious metals benefited on Wednesday from the escape to safety by investors concerned about the effects of the government shutdown in …


Prices of precious metals benefited on Wednesday from the escape to safety by investors concerned about the effects of the government shutdown in the United States in the immediate future. However, sentiment has also been dominated continuously by fears related to the trade war with China, the Brexit uncertainties and the path of interest rates in the world's biggest economy.


Gold, which has today reached $1,276.63 per ounce, the highest point since June 19, would be underpinned if the Federal Reserves stops with hikes or starts to cut borrowing costs. The yellow metal was 0.46% in the green at 3:16 pm CET, selling for $1,275.18.


Silver traded 0.97% in the green at $14.92 for one troy ounce after touching $14.96, a level last seen on August 28, and eyeing the psychological $15 mark. Platinum gained 1.32% to $798.1, a one-week low, and palladium climbed 0.3% to $1,232.66 per ounce.