Anonymous ID: 630970 Dec. 26, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.4472898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2967 >>2995

Circa 2009

I saw a MSM report on "Operation Koala" and "Operation Joint Hammer" and the tail-off remarks of the News Anchor were that 'documents relating to the investigation were largely sealed and classified, as it potentially would implicate Current Government officials' (in my opinion effectively throttling the prosecution of these perpetra[i]tors) Investigation documents were Classified, because indicting the persons involved, would present a National Security risk, due to there "High Office".

I have not found the law that authorizes a classification of potentially harmful, but I know it exists.

I am beginning to believe that the EO on Declas goes much deeper than just the FISA warrant. As this Warrant was so weak, and the DUE Process was not followed, making any case against the Trump Campaign would never be able to be prosecuted.

I Believe Q and Q+, were and are confident that the Steele Dossier, and subsequent investigation would go nowhere, but gave a real time "reason" for the Declas EO.

And hence the "Koala" reference in an earlier Q-Drop.

