Anonymous ID: 84d933 Where is GWB? talking? Dec. 26, 2018, 5:12 a.m. No.4472611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2616 >>2628 >>2655

G5 mentioned that Senator Lindsay Graham, who used to be aligned with Senator McCain, was also indicted earlier, but pardoned. He changed to support Trump. What was significant, is that during the confirmation hearings of Brett Cavanaugh, he questioned Cavanaugh about Military tribunals. Cavanaugh answered that they are constitutionally valid.


There are reports leaking that Bush Sr. committed suicide over the possible release of JFK files, but G5 says this is incorrect.


There was much more to conversation with regard to; Guantanamo Bay being vacant and being re-purposed; Q Anon; that Walmart prisons built by Obama have been taken over; Seth Rich was about to leak information about pedophiles; and that the DHS will report on voter fraud on 21 December, 2018.


G5 said many other people are going to face justice, but only one will have a public trial — John Brennan. The Anti-Trump American intelligence official who served as the Director of the CIA from March 2013 to January 2017, will have a public trial, and will be hanged.


Well that’s the conversation. Interesting times.


[Editor’s note: Many people have been skeptical of this post, so G5 has called several times, and wrote this, below, in an email]


UPDATE [9 December, 2018]


by G5


I heard that some find it difficult to believe that McCain and GHWB were executed. As I told Dee, the audience is specifically for Deep State. Others don’t understand it.


They will suggest; what is the point of killing a dying person?

The point is: they cannot escape by; retiring, resigning, or living out. What they have done remains, and their families are also demonized. The audience is SPECIFICALLY for DEEP STATE.


The swift Military Tribunal and immediate execution, avoids the bilious and endless criminal court circuses. No — it is not JUSTICE or Denial of Rights. If they did not do what is put down, and can explain; fine. They don’t need lawyers to craft responses or find blockages to process. None of this is borderline.


Military act on overwhelming real evidence. They are not a criminal jurisdiction.


Deep State became terrified after they were made aware of McCain; now GHWB and others.


Tony Podesta was executed not for paedophilia, but being involved in supplying and aiding enemy combatants

Anonymous ID: 84d933 Dec. 26, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.4472616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is from:

Anonymous ID: 84d933 Dec. 26, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.4472650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2663

Public arrests- Hillery arrested, followed by massive riots being planned.


January 20, 2019.