Anonymous ID: 6791e4 Dec. 26, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.4473217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3231 >>3251



>Dems plan on to carry out oversight duties and invigorously investigate POTUS

>POTUS says any collusion is on the Dem's side and he can handle more harassment from them. Checks and Balances is not harassment.

>Jeff, what is POTUS talking about when he says collusion is on the left?


<Jeff Toobin

>It's mysterious, never understood.

>Perhaps the creation of the Steele Dossier? HE claims that's collusion


<Tax Returns, any obstacles?



>Yes, POTUS controls Executive Branch and can delay the release of his tax returns


<Ways and Means Chair (Kevin Brady R-TX) can get anybody's tax return, what's the problem?



>He can TRY.

>House will push for subpeonas and ousting POTUS



>Important to note the House held Holder in contempt once to no effect

>Something to look for


<Adam Schiff says they'll looking into money laundering by the Trump Organization and Deutsche Bank

<Big target with LOTS of targets, how'll that go?



>Good place to start as they can't resist like POTUS can.

>POTUS took his business to Deutsche Bank after American banks wouldn't work with him in the 90s

>Deutsche Bank is corrupt

>Lots of smoke and where there's smoke…



>Getting people to cooperate is imperative



>Like Cohen testifying before Congress


<If they go into Deutsche, can POTUS be impeached for crimes committed BEFORE he took office?



>Constitution says ONLY for high crimes and only two presidents have been impeached before

>Judges are possible but it's a political process, if we get that far


<What is Unitary President?



>The belief that POTUS has control over the ENTIRE Executive Branch, Kavanaugh and Barr echoed support of the theory

>Republicans have 52 in the Senate and that could be pause for issue getting Barr confirmed, it's nice to have a majority.



>Doesn't get enough attention or discussion about an independent DOJ and prosecutors.

>Under this theory, POTUS controls the Executive Branch as that's the President's job.


<Well, we can clearly understand the appeal of a Unified Executive under a POTUS that thinks checks and balances is harassment


Panic in DC


Lots of projection

Anonymous ID: 6791e4 Dec. 26, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.4473251   🗄️.is 🔗kun



<Well, we can clearly understand the appeal of a Unified Executive under a POTUS that thinks checks and balances is harassment


>Panic in DC


>Lots of projection


The unitary executive theory is a theory of American constitutional law holding that the President possesses the power to control the entire executive branch. The doctrine is rooted in Article Two of the United States Constitution, which vests "the executive power" of the United States in the President. - Wiki

Anonymous ID: 6791e4 Dec. 26, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.4473492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3535 >>3559



>We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and we wish POTUS the best

(Seems weird to me…)

>Are we thriving? Do we need more help? Just a little push? How are our leaders? How is our country?

>Those eternally optimistic about this great republic of ours have reason for concern

>Little kids continue to die in the custody of Border Patrol. OUR government that is allowing little children to die while they are incarcerated!

>Thousands STILL remain incarcerated this holiday season!

>What would Jesus do? That's where Jesus would BE!

(Echoes AOC twat about refugees in mangers)

>READ the gospels!

>Evangelicals should be ashamed for supporting POTUS

>POTUS shutdown government over tantrum about border security because of "his" wall.

>Refused the stop-gap spending bill to prove he was "tough" to the likes of Rush and Ann and Laura

>Pushed Mattis out because of cowardly policy that hands victory to his buddy Putin

>Demanded this honorable and well respected Marine to leave immediately

>Still attacking the Fed and it's Chair for freefalling economy

>Markets worst they've ever been since the DEPRESSION

>As we know, REAL LEADERS take the responsibility, not shifting blame.

>"Failure is an orphan and I accept it" - JFK after Bay of Pigs

>POTUS would never take blame for record debt or the trade war

>POTUS is in chaos and causing freefalling markets

>Whole world watching and rightly concerned and scared.

>Judge POTUS by standards set while candidate

>A cursory search will show you POTUS is failing BY EVERY BENCHMARK!!

>Not a single campaign promise kept.

>Go search! Open source that can be accessed by anyone!

>Stop failing to see how badly POTUS is failing

(the wording here and intonation feels like a call out to anons)

>Great Gen. Hayden said we only have ONE president

>Need to do everything to help POTUS succeed

>POTUS needs to step up and show leadership

>Entire GOP has no spine, bows and kowtows to POTUS


>POTUS confessed to obstructing Mueller and breaking campaign finance laws

>EVERYONE is appalled and concerned by POTUS' chaotic irratic behavior

>Only pull out of Syria and Afghanistan AFTER ISIS is defeated!

>POTUS not doing things the right way

>POTUS doesn't know how Washington works

>FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Reagan… THEY knew how to do things the right way

>Right now is the most challenging time we face since POTUS took office

>What happens next?

>Days of waiting for POTUS to change and operate the right way are behind us. They are over.

>2019 is going to be FAR different

(spoopy threats or predictive programming for big drops?)


Recommend anons watch this video, something about it creeps me out/sends up flags. Moar eyes on might catch more codes, also, the comments are cancer.

Anonymous ID: 6791e4 Dec. 26, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.4473535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3552


>>A cursory search will show you POTUS is failing BY EVERY BENCHMARK!!

>>Not a single campaign promise kept.

>>Go search! Open source that can be accessed by anyone!

>>Stop failing to see how badly POTUS is failing

>>POTUS on track to WORST POTUS EVER!!


Calling the sheep to go search (((their))) controlled search engines to find the answers (((they))) want the sheep to find…


>>Days of waiting for POTUS to change and operate the right way are behind us. They are over.

>>2019 is going to be FAR different

>>POTUS not doing things the right way

>>POTUS doesn't know how Washington works

>>FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Reagan… THEY knew how to do things the right way


Veiled threats?


>>Demanded this honorable and well respected Marine to leave immediately


Trying to protect the Mad Hatter?