IIRC the spider web design in the window was a pretty quick link for some very dedicated anons
Sorry sarcasm doesn't really make it through without a good meme
Basically anons spent hours/days digging through as many images and maps as the could before finding several buildings in the area that would line up with that image
Eventually even more dedicated anons found other structural indicators (shadows/architecture) and not to mention the insta of no names fixer
While not certain, in the end it was pretty conclusive that anons had the right building
Also othe pictures with no name were a help too
Think "he will not divide us" level in Syria
Right there with you on "nobody gave a shit" feeling
So many digs that turned up something huge but days later was just another crumb in the bread
Oct 16 2016 is still the day that blows my mind that many anons just let go
Like it was just another day
All you can do is archive offline and hope it becomes useful someday in the future
No it hasn't, I'll agree with you on that
There are some pretty conclusive digs that show where it likely was
Not at all saying 100% sure thing
Just that it was narrowed down to a few buildings
There were also digs into Azaz
Again nothing 100% but just like anything on the chans, it's the best answer until proven otherwise