"Money is fungible, whether this tax was “for” carbon or not, it gets washed into the general budget, this is almost fake news"
That is an incorrect application of the concept of "fungible".
Suppose you pay $1000 a month in rent.
Suppose your landlord says he wants to raise your rent to $1100, and the additional $100 he tells you is needed to help pay for the higher costs of maintenance and repairs.
Suppose your building tenants hold a vote. The vote is Yes/No to this landlord raising the rent to help pay for repairs. If vote No, landlord cannot raise rent for repairs, which risks deterioration and lower living standards, and if vote Yes then rent goes up to $1100 a month and that $100 goes to repairing the building's amenities, which the tenants voted to have happen with the $100.
Now according to your dumb ass logic, EVEN IF the tenants later found out the landlord lied, and did not allocate that $100 to repairs, but spent it on hookers and beer, that "because money is fungible" it doesn't matter if the $100 increase was "for" repairs or if it was for hookers and beer, the tenants do not have any legitimate complaint because the $1100 payment per tenant per month all "gets washed into the general rent revenues".
Dumb fuck. Were you born retarded or dId your mother drop you on your head as an infant…repeatedly?