If we assume FL was a distraction, what did we miss?
I still have my Facebook account. I have Twitter accounts, but I don't use them for anything other than checking POTUS tweets and sourcing stuff y'all post.
I watched a couple of videos that this crowd might appreciate. (That's how I keep up while I work on Q boards stuff. I watch videos.)
https:// youtu.be/RyynQ2ZTZWk
From: Prophecy Club
Title: Are 44000 Marines About to Arrest 10000 US Leadership Stan 01-23-18
https:// youtu.be/zSKCowcQJPM
From: Dauntless Dialogue
Title: ALLIANCE INSIDER: "Coup in Stage 4 of Stage 5"
Kinda wonder about the message in the second one. Should CA anons be bugging out now?
What about requiring MSM to be factual?
One report I listened to suggested that the shooters were as interested in the teachers, if not more so. Might be interesting to figure out if there was anything in common among teacher victims, too.
Dr. William Mount thinks photos supposedly taken at the school don't match Google Earth images.
We already know that there are plenty of police who get into the profession for the opportunity to shake down citizens legally.
There's plenty to do even if Q doesn't show up for a very long time.
Yes, one sets a trap and baits it with something appealing.
Whose operation? This doesn't look like anything POTUS would approve.
If I bug out, I'm going there.
You're not the only one. But I'm doing fine anyway.
I agree. When stuff is put out, it needs to be squeaky clean factual. That's why I've objected to some of them or asked for the sauce that goes with them.
Could the bush pass as this stuff? snicker
550 + 1 is 551.