[repost from end of last bread]
What is the point? We already know that close to 100% of a-list celebs are Monarch or MK Ultra mind control slaves. That means actors, singers, sports stars. The bloodline that owns the entertainment industry does it that way.
Other bloodlines also use mind control but let's not forget that it costs a lot of money to make a Monarch slave so it is only done for the top tier earners or those doing trhe most important jobs. Scattered among these are a few Illuminati family members who have the lifelong abuse style of mind control implemented by their clan matriarch, the Grande Dame.
The fact of being a mind control slave is USELESS to us in all of these situations. These are the people who are out front and in the public eye. It is no crime to BE a mind control slave. The crime is committed by the programmers who hide behind their psychotherapy practices, their rehab clinics, etc.
We need to focus our effort on digging to expose the NETWORK. Find the CONNECTIONS. Do a CIRCULAR FLOW DIAGRAM showing where the money flows and other benefit flows are. Who benefits?
Seriously, review Q's crumbs and find something where you can contribute. We do NOT need YOUR GREAT IDEAS.
Read the top of the bread. It always has some priority areas for digging and map creation. DOn't worry if your maps do not look good enough. If you use Freemind you can post your mindmap file and anotrher artistic anon can make it look good.
https:// sourceforge.net/projects/freemind/postdownload?source=dlp