Okay this is just my first attempt. I dont know how to do transparent images…but if anyone with more skill thinks this idea is good you should make another more polished.
Trace it…the Doctors will all be kike. It is what they do. Jews ruin everything. They ruin men, they ruin women, they ruin education, they ruin banking, they ruin politics, they ruin their own babies penises face facts. Jews are the opposer on this Earth. They only want to destroy and build nothing.
Money is a Jew trick. Soon we must reject it. Or at least the Fiat paper bullshit. Honestly we should figure out why they only show up to Temple for the get out of oath day. Got to hear the horn so they can lie and cheat for another year with no karma. Fucking fools their whole Tammud is a baby raping pamplet and a call to lie to every other religion on earth. Actually saying a goyim does not really own any property. Property belongs to the first JEW who uses it. We need some deep study into what these fuckers say to each other when they dont think we are listening.
People need to understand the Jews infiltrated the Masonic Lodges in America by the 1850. At least at the top. They got taken over by Bavarian Illuminati types. Your safer never trusting a Mason. Never join a group that is not honest with what their goals are. They do not tell the bottom rungs what they are doing at the top. It is an obvious vehicle for fraud and vice. We probably should out law these groups once we reveal enough truths to string them up. Lots of people and organizations have let America and Humanity in general down. They must be extinquished.
It is going to be a tough sell for the Masons after the truth comes out. They will say look at all the guys in the Military Intelligence that are Masons and they helped save you. LOL. Yeah but look at the fucking scheme in the first place. It was the source for so much fuckery when the Rothschilds took it over. The whole system is just set up to do mischief.