Anonymous ID: 4cffbc Dec. 26, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.4477291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7432 >>7489


I am the poster last bread that started this debate

and am open to this interpretation. I have seen most all episodes and it may be that they insert pizza party ref and theoretical physics to seed our collective consciousness that it is happening and not to only to disclose it as a "hidden in plain sight 'luciferian' karmic clearer" as they like to do.

I am open to it, but have a hard time trusting hollywierd and minions.

However, this is the Great Awakening…how else exactly are we supposed to "wake up" with out the infiltration of our subconscious and consciousness through media. Ultimately even the bad childfuckers are the antagonists of

this great show called life and help us wake up to our true potential the and scientific possibillties that R+M partially disclose.


Either way, good wins.

Its mother fucken science.

the pendulum must swing back.