Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:01 p.m. No.4476862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7142





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!






P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.


We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.4476935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7111 >>7172 >>7244 >>7503

Former Jewish Children's Services Counselor Busted for Prepubescent Child Porn on Tumblr


A counselor working at “Youth and Family/Alternative Incorporated,” a former employee of the “Gulf Coast Youth Jewish Family and Community Services” in Lakeland, Florida was arrested in a child pornography scandal encircling Tumblr.


28-year-old William Lee Smith of 110 Laurel Circle in Bartow, Florida was taken into custody after authorities discovered a circle of pedophiles swapping illicit child pornographic materials displaying the torture and rape of young children.


The Polk County Sheriff's Office reports that Smith was arrested on numerous felony counts after an in-depth investigation into the alleged pedophile turned up evidence of receiving and transmitting the child pornography.


Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd confirmed that Tumblr would later assist, and hand over at least 48 files of child pornography which were known to the database of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


After monitoring the activities of the group on Tumblr, it would be discovered that Smith had sent child pornography via his smartphone and other computer-related electronic devices from his home. Authorities then sought and executed a search warrant at Smiths Laurel Circle home.


The moment the Polk County Sheriff's Office entered Smith's home he began to confess to his “addiction” to child pornography and told Deputies he had “nudes” of children on his phone.


During interrogations with Smith, he would later say that “he does not even like children,” according to local affiliate NWF Daily News.


The Orlando Sentinel goes a step further, stating that Smith confessed to engaging in child porn distribution Smith admitted to trading child porn on Dropbox, Kik, Snapchat and Tumblr. Smith also told Sheriff's Detectives he viewed child porn for about three to five years.



Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.4477114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159

Counter Chinese Influence: Is Boko Haram a CIA Covert Op to Divide and Conquer Africa?


The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department:


In 2007, US State Department advisor Dr. J. Peter Pham commented on AFRICOM’s strategic objectives of “protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance, a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.” (Nile Bowie, CIA Covert Ops in Nigeria: Fertile Ground for US Sponsored Balkanization Global Research, 11 April 2012)


At the beginning of February 2015, AFRICOM’s “head General David Rodriguez called for a large-scale US-led ‘counterinsurgency’ campaign against groups in West Africa during remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC:


In similar remarks at a the US Army West Point academy last week, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) chief General Joseph Votel said that US commando teams must prepare for new deployments against Boko Haram and the Islamic State. ” (Thomas Gaist, US AFRICOM Commander Calls for “Huge” Military Campaign in West Africa, World Socialist Web Site, February 02, 2015)


Mark P. Fancher highlighted the hypocrisy and the “imperialist arrogance” of western countries, which “notwithstanding the universal condemnation of colonialism”, are evermore willing “to publicly declare (without apologies) their plans to expand and coordinate their military presence in Africa.” (Mark P. Fancher, Arrogant Western Military Coordination and the New/Old Threat to Africa, Black Agenda Report, 4 February 2015)


Now more troops from Benin, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad are being sent to fight against Boko Haram.


This new war on yet another shadowy terrorist entity in Africa is reminiscent of the failed Kony 2012 propaganda campaign cloaked in humanitarian ideals. It is used as a smoke screen to avoid addressing the issue of the victims of the war on terror, the real causes of terrorism and to justify another military invasion. It is true that Boko Haram makes victims, however the goal of Western intervention in Africa is not to come to their rescue.


The deadliest conflict in the world since the Second World War and still raging is happening in Congo and the Western elite and its media couldn’t care less. That alone shows that military interventions are not intended to save lives.


To understand why the media focuses on Boko Haram, we need to know what it is and who is behind it. What is the underlying context, what interests are being served?


Is Boko Haram another US clandestine operation?


Boko Haram is based in northeast Nigeria, the most populated country and largest economy in Africa. Nigeria is the largest oil producer of the continent with 3.4% of the World’s reserves of crude oil.


In May 2014, African Renaissance News published an in-depth report on Boko Haram, wondering whether it could be another CIA covert operation to take control of Nigeria:


[T]he greatest prize for AFRICOM and its goal to plant a PAX AMERICANA in Africa would be when it succeeds in the most strategic African country, NIGERIA. This is where the raging issue of BOKO HARAM and the widely reported prediction by the United States Intelligence Council on the disintegration of Nigeria by 2015 comes into perspective…(Atheling P Reginald Mavengira, “Humanitarian Intervention” in Nigeria: Is the Boko Haram Insurgency Another CIA Covert Operation? Wikileaks, African Renaissance News, May 08, 2014)

Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.4477269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370 >>7609


>right-wing conservatives and everything inbetween


Most oldfags are strong believers in Christ and God. Some of them say they were bought here by God and have had direct ongoing contact.

Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.4477307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7443

Why Stocks Are Soaring: A Massive, $64 Billion Buy Order


Last Friday, when stocks were tumbling, we reported "some good news for the bulls" which was lost in the overall chaos over the latest mutual fund liquidation discussed earlier.


And no, we did not anticipate that President Trump would activate the Plunge Protection Team over the weekend: the good news in question was that as Wells Fargo calculated U.S. defined-benefit pensions fund would need to implement a "giant rebalancing out of bonds and into stocks" - in fact the biggest in history - with the bank estimating roughly $64 billion in equity purchases in the last trading days of the quarter and year, prompting the banks to ask if traders are about to make pension rebalancing "great" again.


Judging by today's market action, the answer is a resounding yes, even though as Wells warned investors and traders looking for a desperately needed respite from market gyrations "may have to deal with yet one more seismic bout of volatility before Dec 31 finally pops up on their calendar dials."


For those who missed our Friday post on the topic, Wells explained where this massive rebalancing comes from: the huge, end-of-quarter buy order was precipitated by the jarring divergence between equity and bond performances both in Q4 and the month of December. The stocks in the bank's pro forma pension asset blend had suffered a 14% loss this quarter, including about an 8.5% drop in December. Contrast this with a roughly +1.6% quarterly total return for the domestic aggregate bond index. The gap between equity and bond performance in pension portfolios would have been even larger had IG credit OAS not widened nearly 40 bps in Q4.


As a result of this need for massive quarter-end rebalancing, corporate pensions would need to boost their equity portfolios by as much as $64 billion into year-end. Getting a bit more granular, Wells analyst Boris Rjavinski wrote that domestic stocks – both large cap and small cap – may need disproportionately large boosts of $35 billion and $21 billion, respectively, compared to “only” $9 billion for global developed equities (see table below). This is driven by large performance gaps within equity markets: U.S. stocks have trailed global and EM equities in Q4 and December after outperforming the ROW for quarters on end.

Anonymous ID: bdf296 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.4477442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7451 >>7455

Jerry Brown Grants Pardons to Immigrants Facing Deportation Due to Criminal History


California Gov. Jerry Brown's Christmas granted 143 pardons and 131 commutations for Christmas, including a handful of refugees and immigrants that he hopes to spare from deportation by scrubbing their criminal histories.


Brown also responded to the clemency request of Kevin Cooper – a death-row inmate convicted of killing four members of a Chino Hills, Calif., family at their home with a hatchet, knife and ice pick in 1983 after escaping from a nearby prison – by ordering new DNA tests on four pieces of evidence including the hatchet handle and sheath.


Brown stressed in the order that he takes "no position as to Mr. Cooper's guilt or innocence at this time, but colorable factual questions have been raised about whether advances in DNA technology warrant limited retesting of certain physical evidence in the case."


"The purpose of this new testing is to determine whether another suspected person's DNA, or the DNA of any other identifiable suspect based on a match in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) database, is present on the items tested," the outgoing governor continued. "Given the nature of the testing requested, and the fact that the murders in this case occurred before the advent of DNA technology and related evidence handling protocols, both parties acknowledge the distinct possibility that further testing may yield multiple DNA contributors of unknown origin. As such, if the only result of further testing is to yield either no additional DNA matches, or only DNA from unknown contributors, this matter should be closed."


San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos argued that DNA testing on items including a bloody T-shirt and discarded cigarettes had already put Cooper at the scene and in their family's stolen station wagon. The defense asserts that Cooper's blood was planted on the T-shirt in order to frame a black man for the crime.


The California Supreme Court blocked Brown's attempt to commute the sentence of Kenny Lee, convicted of robbing and murdering a cab driver in 1992. It's the seventh time the court has stepped in to use its power to stop the outgoing governor from issuing sentence commutations for killers in recent weeks.


Brown also granted pardons to five Cambodian refugees brought to the country when they were 5 years old or younger, and now face deportation because of their criminal pasts. He likewise pardoned a Honduran immigrant facing deportation.