Anonymous ID: d75056 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.4477391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian women want their men back from the countries to which they fled


The purported "compassion" Angela Merkel insisted on for Syrian refugees is not being appreciated back home in Syria. When civil war came to Syria, most of those who fled the violence were military-age males, and they left their women behind to fend for themselves. "Women and children first" apparently does not translate smoothly into Arabic. When Angela Merkel led the E.U. into offering refuge for these young males who abandoned their females, she not only opened the door to a new wave of rapes, thefts, and other crime by men taught to despise the decadence of the infidels, but also abetted a demographic catastrophe for Syria.


Repatriation of Syrian male refugees ought to be a priority as soon as the civil war winds down, as it may well be doing in the face of the apparent victory of Russia-backed forces of Assad. That is not likely to go smoothly, though. But for the good of host countries as well as Syria, it is the right way to go. It is not too soon to begin planning the mass repatriation.

Anonymous ID: d75056 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.4477427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shouting 'F*ck CNN' live on CNN is becoming a thing in Ferguson


Ferguson residents and protesters are taking out their frustrations over CNN's coverage of the grand jury verdict by heartily shouting "f*ck CNN" in the background of correspondents' pieces-to-camera.


It all started with Don Lemon's disastrous reportage in the St Louis suburb, during which he said "Obviously, there's a smell of marijuana in the air", leading one man to lean over his shoulder and shout the slur into the camera.

Now a whole group of protestors in New York have picked up the chant, repeating it over and over and forcing the reporter to lament that CNN doesn't seem to be particularly popular at the demonstration.

Back in the studio, anchor Anderson Cooper tried to palm off the chant as people "playing for the cameras", but given how widely these videos are being shared, it's probably going to become a recurring theme in the network's coverage for the next few days.

Anonymous ID: d75056 Dec. 26, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.4477455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The California Supreme Court blocked Brown's attempt to commute the sentence of Kenny Lee, convicted of robbing and murdering a cab driver in 1992. It's the seventh time the court has stepped in to use its power to stop the outgoing governor from issuing sentence commutations for killers in recent weeks.