>>4479133 pb
Q used disinfo, but more often then not the q team delivered info that wasnt endangering on going ops.
Disinfo example - the SA revolution by MBS. Q focused on alleged US arrests etc, while in reality it was a mirror for the cabal so they will lose focus from Saudi Arabia. It worked to perfection.
Ex2: Focusing on huber while an alleged 2nd invstigation going on in parallel. possible twist - the 2nd investigation was the disinfo.
On the contrary on many other instances q delivered info that turned out to be factual.
At the end this op is an info dissemination op (bypassing the fake news msm, building an anon twitter army, constructing parallel construction from publicly available info + controlled leaks made by whitehats.), so you cannot use "everything is disinfo" hypothesis. if so than there is no need to use Q as a basis for research. That is my opinion.