Is this a signal from the cabal that they intend to assassinate more U.S. Air Force pilots?
Is this a signal from the cabal that they intend to assassinate more U.S. Air Force pilots?
>But since I was personally liable for my actions and those of the officers under me, I took the prudent road and suffered as a caselawfagging police exec.
It's amazing what adult Americans consider valuable while high school kids are now online putting their lives and expensive computers on the line for the truth. Kids, just start over. Let the boomers die. The boomers would let you die quicker.
>Senators were supposed to be picked be the states at one time
You can steal a popular election in ways that you can't steal a state legislature. You don't even need to influence the population to vote your way, you simply funnel them enough feel-good degeneracy to never notice that it was imposed on them and not chosen by them. The citizens of the United States never once chose what the Rothschilds had prepared for them. It was pure use of force through theft and blackmail.