This is the law… But where's your sauce on this applying to HRC?
Yeah, because disliking the supremacist-kikes, that literally hate us to the point that they do everything in their power to erode our existence, is "waycist"… You're a fucking cuck. Cuck.
Why don't you move to Israel, if you love it so much.
We're Americans here.
Normally, I'd tear your head off, shit down your throat, and call you a JIDF-kike… But I'm not going to do that. You seem to have a decent grasp on things. And I understand EXACTLY where you're coming from. You are seasoned at this, like myself. I particularly like how you noted the distinction between Jews and Khazars. The JQ is old-news to you, and yada, yada, yada… You get it. And that's enough.
Maybe I've just been doing this too long. But I look out into the world and I see Jews who do evil on the world-stage. I look out into my community and I see Jews who do evil to our communities. I look to history book (what is left go them) and I see Jews doing evil, for decades, even centuries. They people will never change. Furthermore, as a Christian, my Bible warned of these people who say they are Jews and are not, but are synagogue of Satan. This goes for the actual Jew and the Ashkenazi imposer-Khazar.
And if there are all these supposed, "Good Jews", where the hell are they? Because if someone was pretending to be a Christian around me, with the intention of desecrating MY religion, I'd stomp a fucking hole in them. Yet they seem to tolerate and look the other way in their synagogues. Idk… I'm not one of these faggot-anons on here with no skin in the game. The evil these people have wrought has touch myself and my family. Not one… Not some random. I am a witness to MANY of these sick-bastards circling the fucking wagons around my child and I. When people say these kikes like to "tribe-up", I know EXACTLY what they mean. And that shit is more real to me than any fucking fake-ass "gassing-camp" in Poland.
It is evil we are railing against… And that evil can all die in a goddamn oven.
Excellent point…
However, Hitler remains a centerpiece of German-culture because he stood for something that is still VERY relevant today… The importance of National Sovreignty, and pointing out the problem of the kikes, for instance.
Sure I am, kike…Lol
You HAVE to read my posts, don't you? Isn't that what JIDF pays you for, faggot?
Cry moar. And enjoy the show! ;)