Anons, the linked post from a couple of breads back is important
In fact, I am going to repost it myself in this bread
Anons, the linked post from a couple of breads back is important
In fact, I am going to repost it myself in this bread
At the beginning of the 1850’s the British Empire came under threat from the emerging new powers of the United States and Russia—both of whom were beginning to establish global sea routes, increase their merchant shipping fleets, and enlarge their navies to increase their trade and national wealth—and that the British responded to by first starting the Crimean War, in October, 1853, that destabilized the entire European continent—and whose ending came in March, 1856, by the signing of the Treaty of Paris, that successfully cut of Russia’s southern sea route through the Black Sea.
After successfully blocking Russia’s bid to open itself up to global tradethe British Empire next moved against the United States—with their agents and media supporters in America fanning the flames of racial conflict leading to the outbreak of the 1861-1865 Civil War—but that the US emerged victorious from due to the alliance formed between President Abraham Lincoln and Tsar Alexander II.
Tsar Alexander II, in 1857, began proposing to the United States that they purchase the Russian Territory of Alaska—and under whose American control would prevent the British Empire from seizing it and establishing a military presence on Russia’s far eastern coast— but that the US wasn’t able to do at the time due to their rising fears of civil war breaking out.
With the British Empire fanning the flames of racial hatred and class division in both Russia and the United States, this report details, Tsar Alexander II began a correspondence with President Lincoln intended to mute this divisive issue—with Tsar Alexander II, in 1861, freeing all of the serfs in Russia, and President Lincoln, two years later, in 1863, likewise, freeing all of this nations slaves—thus causing them both to be remembered as “The Two Liberators”.
Tsar Alexander II thne warned President Lincoln of the British plan to bombard both Boston and New York—that President Lincoln rapidly responding to by mass arresting and imprisoning over 14,000 British-Confederate sympathizers and agents (mainly “fake news” reporters and newspaper publishers) without charges or trials—and saw Tsar Alexander II, likewise, ordering the entire Russian Navy to sail to the United States to protect President Lincoln—with the Russian Baltic Fleet arriving in New York harbor on 24 September 1863, and, on 12 October, the Russian Far East Fleet arriving in San Francisco.
“The Two Liberators” were assassinated, but Secretary Seward completed “The Alaska Purchase” in 1867—with continued good relations continuing between Russia and United States leading to Tsar Nicolas II and President William McKinley, in 1901, agreeing to destroy the British Empire forever by building the largest rail system the world has ever known—that would cross the Bering Strait joining Russia with North America, and continue down through Mexico, Central America to the very tip of South America, in effect, joining the whole world together in what President McKinley called “the future of humanity”—but that earned Tsar Nicolas II not only his own death, but the death of his entire family, and President McKinley as well.
By 2011, President Putin signed into law a staggering $65 billion measure to begin construction of the first leg of the Interamerican Railroad Line to connect Siberia with Alaska via a tunnel to bridge system under the Bering Strait like Tsar Nicolas II and President McKinley had first envisioned—and further added to this gargantuan transportation system by authorizing to be built the world’s longest bridge in human history that will connect Japan to rail lines spanning the globe—and that President Trump is aiding in making peace with North Korea so that South Korea can join this system too.
It is a shill tactic. These people are not actually filtering anybody. But they hope that their announcements will cause weakminded Anons to filter the user under attack. This ONAN person has made a few filter announcements. Get the ids and check all the messages of each one that ONAN filters. You will see there is MORE than just some nice girlie pics being removed.
What time is it today?
Now that looks like a party
And ready for music and dancing
Big Boobs can be found in the unlikeliest of places
What's that you say?
Big boobs are not REALLY what you wanted to see?
They come with a territory, don'cha know?
In Britain people used to believe in the little people
In fairies, brownies, elves and such like.
Behold, in a photograph
A genuine brownie, one of the wee folk.