Show a correlation between sunspots and geological activity.
Save your energy, you can't because there isn't one
Show a correlation between sunspots and geological activity.
Save your energy, you can't because there isn't one
Very nice.
Now that I know you are serious,
Solar activity is related to solar magnetic field.
Sun field is linked to earth's field. And thus to volcanic activity.
Sun magnetic field is linked to cosmic gamma rays which affect cloud seeding which causes globalism cooling and heating.
See Mark Svensmark.
See M. Svensmark and CERN Clouds project
Solar winds related to intergalactic cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are a cause of clouds, the cause seeding. Clouds cause cooling.
Sun hot->more solar flux-less cosmic rays->less clouds…. hot.
PhD, Physics
I have been studying this for over 40 years.
Enough on this topic….asshats will complain about sl
Actually close. Solar field unwind… linked to earth magnetic field. Inductive heating of magma…. more seismic activity, volcanos.
It is cyclic… eventually causing earth magnetic fields to flip.
It has happened thousands of times