I think the TR-3B spect that ere "leaked" are kinda fake or misleading… but, yes…
Only infinitely easier to build.
I have only very recently discovered the last piece of the puzzle, how UFO's create antigravity, I now get that, i know the energy involved buy there was a missing piece that I have now solved.
I can explain that, basically there is a field of energy, let's call it the ether…
Electrons and protons are structures in the aether and they throw off aetheric energy with copies of their structure…
But if you have intense enough energy, you can make the aether form macro particles, for this you need intense voltages, high speeds and that sort of thing, this makes the aether form a sort of macro particle… And this particle is artificial and fills up the space, it reduces the effect of gravity…
But if this artificial particle of marco aether is formed differently would would be able to increase the gravity felt…
But the key to the tech is the aetheric principles, these are certain ways of generating tons of aetheric energy… i used to think it was just about rotation, but now I realize it is about the projection, focusing of energies into the center.