Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.4482358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2390 >>2393 >>2397



>>4481518 Karen Pence's foundation digs

>>4481522 Ex-Insys CEO to plead guilty to opioid kickback scheme

>>4481534 More body parts for exchange/sale, Normalization push.

>>4481654 JPMorgan to Pay More Than $135 Million for Improper Handling of ADRs

>>4481664 Liberal oxymoron moron

>>4481796 Good Article Written By General Flynn in 2016, Saudi actions against Qatar

>>4481989 Father Of Deceased 8-Year-Old Migrant Child Declined His Son Medical Care

>>4482025 Moar Africa Happenings Mali

>>4482004, >>4482160, >>4482089 LISA BLOCH RODWIN Buffalo Family-Courts… FBI-Involved?

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.4482370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2461

DOJ Colluding With Clinton Email Scandal Witnesses to Thwart Court-Ordered Discovery Efforts by Judicial Watch


Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch revealed on Wednesday that the DOJ is colluding with Hillary Clinton email scandal witnesses to thwart court-ordered discovery to stop the watchdog’s efforts to gather evidence.


Judicial Watch appeared in a DC federal court last month on a motion to compel more testimony from Hillary Clinton as well as to make public video recordings of depositions of top Clinton aides such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.


The court ruled that Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about the setting up of her private server.


Hillary Clinton arrogantly answered that she set up the private server out of “convenience.”


Earlier this month, a federal court blasted the DOJ and State Department on Hillary Clinton’s emails and ordered a discovery plan in 10 days as to whether Hillary’s private email system was intentionally set up to evade FOIA requests and lawsuits.


Judge Lamberth said Hillary Clinton’s private server was “One of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”


Specially, Lamberth ruled:


… the Court ORDERS the parties to meet and confer to plan discovery into (a) whether Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA; (b) whether the State Department’s attempts to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and (c) whether State has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s requests.


Terming Clinton’s use of her private email system, “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth wrote in his MEMORANDUM OPINION:


Although Judicial Watch refuses to back down, the Justice Department is actively working to stop the watchdog’s efforts to gather evidence in federal court.


Tom Fitton was furious that the DOJ is working to block their discovery efforts.


“Outrageously, this Justice Department is colluding with Clinton email scandal to stop our efforts to gather evidence in federal court. President Trump should ask this Justice Department why it’s still protecting Hillary Clinton,” Tom Fitton said Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.4482377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2404

Tom Fitton: At this Point, Mueller Probe is ‘Harassment’


December 26, 2018 – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox & Friends First” weighed in on the special counsel probe’s impact over the last year and what it could mean for Mueller’s final report, reportedly expected by February.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.4482389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Baghdad Explains Why Trump’s Meeting With Iraqi Prime Minister Was Cancelled


A meeting between Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and US President Donald Trump, which was planned to be held during the latter’s visit to the Middle Eastern country, was cancelled and subsequently replaced by a phone call due to disagreements on the organization of the talks, the Iraqi government said.


"An official reception and a meeting between the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adel Abdul Mahdi, and the US president were planned to be held. However, a disagreement on the organization of the meeting has led to it being replaced by a telephone conversation," the Iraqi government’s press service said in a statement.


The cabinet noted that Washington had notified Baghdad about Trump’s visit to Iraq late on Wednesday.


The statement added that during the call, Abdul Mahdi and Trump had discussed the developments in the region, especially in the light of the US decision to pull out forces from Syria. The Iraqi prime minister and the US president also covered cooperation in fighting the Islamic State terror group (Daesh).


Trump invited Abdul Mahdi to Visit Washington. The Iraqi prime minister, in his turn, invited Trump to pay a visit to Baghdad.


On Wednesday, the White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, said the US president and First Lady Melania Trump visited US troops in Iraq late on Christmas night.


Trump's first overseas trip to a combat zone took place in the wake of his announcement that the United States would pull out its forces from Syria due to the defeat of the Daesh terrorists in the war-torn country.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:33 p.m. No.4482435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2450 >>2736 >>2927

#PizzaGate: Former Owner Of Dojo Pizza Found Guilty On Federal Child Sex Charges


A former Missouri Pizza shop owner was convicted on federal child sex charges after an eleven-day bench trial in May. U.S. District Court Judge Audrey Fleissig returned guilty verdicts on eight counts against four victims, all relating to child exploitation and child pornography. Loren "Sensei" Copp was not only in possession of child pornography but he was producing it. Copp is the former owner of Dojo Pizza located at 4601 Marganford Road. The case brings to mind the #PizzaGate controversy when conspiracy theorists tied leaked Obama administration documents referring to code words which could be construed for words that refer to illegal sex trafficking, including of minors.


The "conspiracy theory" based on the leaked emails and the coded communications within culminated in a man taking a rifle to the Comet Ping Pong, a pizza parlor and concert venue that was allegedly involved according to a Reddit user's post. The post said, "Everyone associated with the business is making semi-overt, semi-tongue-in-cheek, and semi-sarcastic inferences towards sex with minors. The artists that work for and with the business also generate nothing but cultish imagery of disembodiment, blood, beheadings, sex, and of course pizza."


There are still those that say there are definitely hidden references among not just the pizza parlor but in the personal emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama among other officials and aids. The pedophile who formerly owned Dojo Pizza does not appear to be involved with the Comet Ping Pong but the case does bear some similarities in the sense that the now-convicted pedophile has ties to a pizza shop.


Copp himself offered himself as a trusted member of the community at trial, once he was even a youth pastor, an activist, a martial arts instructor, and an entrepreneur. He used his position of trust to gain access to peoples' children by convincing them he was trustworthy. Copp spent several years grooming and sexually abusing to female minors who had been in his custody since 2009. It started with the defendant touching the victims' buttocks area while playing what Copp called "the butt game".


He used the game as an excuse to touch their vaginas and breasts, and at some point, Copp even began having sex with both of the girls which he recorded on his cell phone or video camera. Copp used his pizza restaurant as a place to have sex with the girls multiple times a week and also photographed them naked inside his office.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.4482473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2673

Poroshenko Ends Martial Law in the Regions of Ukraine on the Russian border


KIEV, Ukraine – In early December, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko introduced martial law in some Ukrainian regions located on the Russian border after the incident in the Kerch Strait, in which three Ukrainian ships illegally crossed Russia’s maritime border.


“This is my main decision, based on the analysis of the current state security situation and because of the fact that the situation around Ukraine has not changed much,” announced the president in a meeting of the National Security Council.


The head of state also said that martial law did not affect the holding of the presidential election in Ukraine, which should be held on March 31, 2019.


The statements of the Ukrainian president followed those of the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. According to Putin, the incident in the Kerch Strait was a provocation to introduce martial law and suspend the right to vote of regions with Russian populations before the presidential election in Ukraine, since the popularity of Poroshenko is extremely low.


On November 25, warships Berdyansk and Nikopol of Ukraine and tugboat Yany Kapu illegally crossed the Russian sea border as they sailed towards the Kerch Strait towards the Sea of ​​Azov. Ukrainian ships were seized by Russia after failing to respond to the patrol. After the incident, Poroshenko signed a decree declaring martial law in various Ukrainian regions located on the Russian border.


The head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Aleksandr Turchinov, announced that Kiev plans a new passage of Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait. After that, 40 US senators presented a project, calling for a multinational operation in the Black Sea to guarantee freedom of navigation.


According to Formanchuk, the new provocation of Ukraine “will be elaborated in several versions,” and Kiev will try to “provoke a harsh reaction from Russia.”


“They wanted to repeat [the passage of ships], and we cannot afford to stand aside and not respond. I think the Ukrainian side instigated by the United States will try to do this before the New Year,” he said.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.4482480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberal Billionaire Apologizes For Funding Russian Bot ‘False Flag’ — But Questions Remain Unanswered


Billionaire tech entrepreneur Reid Hoffman apologized for funding a false flag operation suggesting Russian bots supported Alabama Republican Roy Moore’s failed Senate bid.

Hoffman did not mention in his apology who executed a disinformation campaign designed to tie Moore to Russian internet trolls.

One of the officials who was responsible for the Russian bot “false flag” operation is an Obama-era official.


Billionaire Reid Hoffman apologized Wednesday for funding an effort to dupe Alabama voters into believing Russian bots were fueling Republican Roy Moore’s failed senatorial bid. But he left crucial questions unanswered.


His statement left several important facts about the so-called experiment unaddressed, including a detailed accounting of everyone involved in the caper, as well who crafted and executed the campaign. The effort was the subject of a closed-door presentation in Washington, D.C., to a group of liberal technology experts, The Washington Post reported, citing anonymous sources.


“I find the tactics that have been recently reported highly disturbing,” Hoffman said in his statement. “For that reason, I am embarrassed by my failure to track AET — the organization I did support — more diligently as it made its own decisions to perhaps fund projects that I would reject.”


The Hoffman-financed group allegedly used Facebook and Twitter to undermine support for Moore and boost Democrat Doug Jones, who narrowly won the race. Hoffman referred to a group he funded, American Engagement Technologies (AET), as being involved in the effort.


He poured $750,000 into the organization, much of it going to the project, the report notes. Democratic operatives associated with the plan explained in an internal report leaked to The New York Times how the project sought to implant ideas into people’s heads.


“We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the operatives recounted in the internal report, which was published on Dec. 19.


The cost of the effort — Project Birmingham — totaled $100,000 — the identical amount Facebook says the Russian Internet Research Agency spent trolling people on social media leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.4482489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2498 >>2520 >>2523

Tradition Wins: Prince Harry Partakes In 'Boxing Day' Hunting, Palace Denies Rumors Of Princess Markle’s Disapproval


"It's completely untrue that Her Royal Highness has banned the Duke from shooting"


The Duke of Sussex did not break with tradition after all despite his wife's reported dissatisfaction with the matter.


Earlier this month, reports surfaced alleging that Prince Harry would be pulling out of the 40-year "Boxing Day" pheasant hunt tradition because it offended Princess Meghan's animal rights sensibilities. Many royal commentators and inside sources said the Duke's impending absence from the affair signified a greater rift within the family, being that he and his brother, Prince William, have typically used the hunt as a bonding experience.


According to the Daily Mail, however, Prince Harry did indeed join in on the "Boxing Day" pheasant shoot, though a question mark still looms as to whether or not his wife Meghan attended at his side. The Kensington Palace has continually denied that Meghan Markle's animal-loving had inspired Harry to withdraw from the hunt.


"The Mail's Richard Eden revealed that Meghan had made clear she was happy for Harry to continue shooting with the rest of the royal family, as he has done since the age of 12," reports the outlet. "There had been speculation that the 'Suits' star had told Harry he could not take part in the traditional shoot, despite staying at Sandringham House as guests of the Queen."


A palace source emphatically denounced the rumors in a statement to the Daily Mail. "It's completely untrue that Her Royal Highness has banned the Duke from shooting," said the source.


Contrary to the rumors that Harry has given up hunting, reports have now surfaced that he has acquired a black labrador puppy to be a gun dog. David Roper–Curzon, who has been shooting with the Prince, told Richard Eden: "[Harry] is a very good shot. Not only that, he is a great figure in supporting those who work in that industry."


While Meghan Markle indeed has been described as an animal rights activist, an inside source claims that it has not affected Prince Harry's love of shooting. "Like Harry, Meghan is very keen to promote wildlife charities and animal conservation," the source told the Daily Mail. "However, Harry believes shooting is a sustainable field sport and she won't stop him."


Kiddy hunt????

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.4482533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2588 >>2890 >>2956


They will listen when the first alarm rings. Alarms wake people up. We are close, patience.


No point trying to convince people, we are here to keep them calm and reassure them when they get the truth shock to their system.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.4482593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel's pissed


Here's why:

They keep attacking Syria so they can work out if they can get around the S-300. Russia knows this but isn't taking the bait.


Israel Strikes Syria. S-300 Is Not Employed


Late on December 25, the Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on targets in the Damascus International Airport area. According to reports, Israeli F-16I jets launched at least 16 missiles from Lebanese airspace.


The Syrian media stressed that the Air Defense Forces (SADF) had intercepted most of the hostile missiles, but acknowledged that at least 3 Syrian servicemen had been injured in the incident. The SADF also fired several missiles at Israeli jets involved in the strike. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that they had employed their own air defense systems to protect the jets.


The Syrian side did not use the S-300 air defense system delivered by Russia to repel the airstrike. Syrian personnel have not yet finished the necessary training. According to experts, the Syrian S-300 system will be put on a combat duty in the second half of January or in early February 2019.


The recent Israeli strike came a day after the Russian Defense Ministry announced that 150 servicemen of one of the surface to air-missile regiments of Russia’s Central Military District had returned from Syria.




They keep trying to create a narrative to justify war against Lebanon again.


Israel Claims Its Forces Found 5th ‘Hezbollah Attack Tunnel’ On Border With Lebanon


On December 26, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that their forces had discovered and destroyed a 5th ‘Hezbollah attack tunnel’ on the Israeli-Lebanese border.


The IDF launched its Operation Northern Shield on December 4, 2018. The IDF declares that the goal of the operation is to eliminate’Hezbollah tunnels’, whoch pose a threat to Israeli security. However, the IDF does not reveal locations of the tunnels which it allegedly found. This allows some sources to speculate that at least a part of these “tunnels” is just a media forgery.


On the same time, the Israeli sides say that the discovered tunnels confirming that Hezbollah is preparing for hostile actions against Israel.

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.4482659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2768 >>2915



A new batch of displaced Syrians return from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib border crossing

The reporter clarified that authorities sent several buses to transport the returnees to their hometowns after finishing the entry procedures and providing medical services to those in need for them.


High-Level Turkish Delegation To Visit Moscow To Discuss Syrian Conflict

A high-level Turkish delegation is set to visit Russia this weekend to discuss recent developments in Syria, Justice and Development Party [rulling party] spokesman Omer Celik said at a news conference in the capital Ankara on December 26.

According to Celik, the delegation, including Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, presidential aide Ibrahim Kalin, National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, will be in Moscow on December 29.

US President Donald Trump announced that his country is going to withdraw troops from Syria on December 19. This decision weakened position of US-backed Kurdish armed groups, which operate in northern Syria. Ankara sees thse groups as terrorist organizations and are concentrating forces for a possible military operation against them.


Egypt To Back Deal Between Damascus And SDF To Prevent Turkish Attack: Report

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) [the military wing of the SDC) have effective communication channels with Egyptian officials. We are hoping to see an immediate move to stop the escalation in northern Syria, mediate with the Syrian government and foster an agreement with Kurdish forces,” Ilham Ahmed told the UK-based news outlet.


Syrian Army Deploys Hundreds Of Soldiers West Of Manbij

Several Syrian pro-government news outlets said that the SAA will enter Manbij soon under an agreement between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls the city, and the Damascus government. However, SouthFront’s source declined to confirm or deny these claims.

“We have a principled question: who will control the territory led by the United States? It’s clear the Syrian government should control this part of their territory,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said earlier.


Foreign Ministry: The Israeli assault on Syria is blatant violation of UNSC resolutions

The Ministry continued to say that the attempts of the authorities of the Israeli occupation to terrify the Syrian people in a holy day constitutes conclusive evidence that what “Israel” is doing is not different from what the terrorist organizations of Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra do, as the authorities of the Israeli occupation has moved to a new stage practicing the terror of state directly after its agents (the terrorist groups) were defeated.


Russia: The Israeli attack on Syria is a blatant violation of its sovereignty and UNSC resolutions

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement clarifying that the Israeli attack took place by covering it with civil airplanes heading to Damascus and Beirut airports, expressing Moscow’s worry over the attack and the way it was carried out besides the violation of the international resolutions including Resolution No. 1701.


Gulf States Want Syria Back In Arab League

Gulf states and Egypt are working to restore Syria’s membership in the Arab League in 2019, the Guardian reported on December 26 citing diplomatic sources. The sources predicted that President Bashar al-Assad will be welcomed on a stage to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and Egypt’s President, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi once again.


SDF Forces Liberate Key Village In Euphrates Valley And Kill More Than 200 ISIS Fighters (Map)

Anonymous ID: a38f1c Dec. 26, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.4482673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2687 >>2736 >>2927


Poroshenko Fails To Start New Conflict In Eastern Europe, Declares End Of Martial Law


On December 26, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko announced the end of a martial law, which was introduced in November after a clash between a Ukrainian naval ground and Russian coastal guards in the Black Sea, south of the Kerch Strait.


“Today, right now, at 2:00pm [local time], the martial law ends,” he said. “I would like to highlight that the Russian threat has not gone away.”


Since November, the Kiev regime has repeatedly claimed that Russia is about to invade Ukraine and openly prepared for the resumption of hostilities in the region by deploying additional troops and equipment in eastern and southern parts of the country. Top Ukrainian officials also threatened to stage fresh military provocations in the region, like a naval operation to break the nonexistent “Russian siege” on the Sea of Azov.


However, Poroshenko’s plans found little if no support among Western states, in particular in the United States. This became on of the main factors limiting the chances of a new hot conflict in the region