Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 10:54 p.m. No.448429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478

In French there is a slang term for putting your pants on, refi. It sin't about shirts but about putting some clothes (underwear even) over your penis.


The French word for butt is cul.


REFI CUL would mean putting a butt on your penis. It's the old Chi-Rho game played by the high priest himself.


Did you get it? Did you spell the French words backwards? You have never LIVED until you've had a drink down at the old Knob and Asshole. That is a pub where they spell all caps words backwards.


Write an X. Now put a | over it so it intersects the crossing point. This is a picture of an asshole. Check it with a selfie on your phone if you don't believe me. Now add the knob to the picture by attaching a D to the top on the vertical bar. This is the symbol on the sign at the old Knob and Asshole where they play the Chi-Rhos game while singing REFI CUL LIVED over and over again.


The lesson from this story is that when we release ALL of the secrets of the cabal and their secret organizations, they will be totally mortified (that is latin for commiting suicide. It literally means make dead. Mort is death, fier is make). All of their secret clubs will collapse. This includes most University fraternities, all the masonic groups, and any businesses known to be owned by Illuminati bloodlines. Part of our job is to find ALL of the businesses and foundations and non-profits so that when the secrets all come out, they will collapse.


And if there are any legal thinkers out there you might come up with a good way to prevent monopolies from forming in the first place, because we do not need them and they are highly vulnerable to takeover by con-artists which is what the cabal are. Generations of con-artists practicing deceit since the dawn of civilization.

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.448458   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This was a meme concept that was talked about in the last bread and here is a tweeted meme already!



Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.448503   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We know the answer already. Informational.


Geographic maps require a database like Postgis (which is free) plus more effort and coordinatioon from a team. And every fact needs to have geographic coords available. Nothing wrong with doing this, but we can't stop the work on Informational maps.


Let's face it, taking down the worldwide Illuminati could take generations. It is WELL WORTH THE EFFORT for anons with skills and time to go to work on this. But it has to be independent of Q's work which is here and now.

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.448560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8585 >>8708 >>8725 >>9066

>>448393 has all the Apache foundation projects and all are open source. SOLR is the one used to build a search engine, easy to work with and if you ever get big you can use it in a cluster like the NSA does with xkeyscore. Have a look at their other projects. Be warned, their target audience is software developers and system administrators.


Postgis is a geographical database based on PostgreSQL which is the core SQL database component. Both are open source.


Freemind is a mindmapping program which is good for building maps and displaying sifferent types of connections,. If you use this and share the saved files, anons on Windows, Mac and Linux can all run Freemind to adapt your maps. I suggest one person gets the map started and share with another anon who has graphic skills and can organize it to be easier to understand and give the message sdome oomph.


By the way, all of the above lays the groundwork for political campaigns, either inside a new party or outside of the party system as some of the founding fathers recommended,

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.448614   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Do not misunderstand this. An intercept is a message that was intercepted between bad actors. Q's MI contacts told the USSS that the gun would be found there.

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.448788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8805



You are right, Freemind is not Apache. But it is a good tool to use today for making maps. The stuff on is professional tools for people with skills who want to win seats in the 2020 elections or help take out the pockets of Illuminati all over the world

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.448850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8868



The best special forces use two shot bursts. Even regular soldiers only use 3 shot bursts for actually shooting at targets. Longer bursts are for covering fire.


I can kill every man using a bump stock with a simple handgun. The stupid fucking asshole uses the bump to spray lead all over the place, then when he is fumbling to reload I take him with one well-aimed shot.


If he was not an asshole, he would not use a bump stock. Instead he would train and increase his skill including swapping in more ammo. No fumbling to reload is worth your life.


POTUS is right to ban bump stocks.

Anonymous ID: 16467d Feb. 20, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.448899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8949 >>8959



Who said this is about appeasement? It is a chess game. Let POTUS play it. We have more important work to do, We delegated the job of POTUS to Trump. now leave him alone and get digging where we can make a difference. And make a map too.