Anonymous ID: 5cefa9 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.4483982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991 >>3997 >>4003 >>4025 >>4093

This will take a few posts.


Answering the Jewish Question.

I don’t like to weigh in on this topic, but it’s getting debated a lot here and causing a lot of division and argument. Everybody has their points, but I feel like no one is seeing the nuance of the situation. The big picture has been laid out both in the Bible and through history.


There have been three types of Jews since there have been Jews.


  • The faithful, who worship quietly and humbly. They may speak against evil or advocate good, but will generally not appeal to God to do so. They won’t care what you believe and don’t think God does either. They generally believe God just wants people to be decent and see Judaism as almost burdensome and unnecessary for most people. These are the majority of Jewish people you’ll meet throughout your every day life


  • The self righteous and/or Jewish supremacists. They look down on the “Goyim,” see themselves as better and more favored by God than the gentiles. They also tend to be legalists with minimal focus on the “why,” caring more about obedience than loving/altruistic/sacrificial/generous motivation, and aren’t very spiritually inclined. These were the pharisees and the hypocrites. In the modern day, they’re the super orthodox like the Hasidic and the majority of the Jewish people in the entertainment/media industries and positions of power/influence. They do select for other Jews and contribute to higher concentrations of Jewish people in certain industries. They’re also the politicians who may secretly hold higher allegiance to Israel than the US and the celebrities who play identity politics.


  • The false Jews who say they are Jews but instead worship at the synagogue of Satan. They were the Jews in the Old Testament who adopted pagan customs and sacrificed children. They were consistently judged and either destroyed or punished by God. Today, they are everything from literal satanists who pretend to be Jews, to Gnostics, to Kabbalists, and more.


All three types are described in the Bible. They all often exist at the same time. In the modern day you also have atheist Jews who still call themselves Jewish because they either consider it a race, are still part of the culture, want the right to virtue-signal or claim oppression, or want to gain favoritism with other Jewish people. They can really fall into any of the three categories.


The second and third types are the Jews who are singled out as evil in the Bible and who are major players of the cabal. But there are plenty of Jews from the first category whose values align with Christian values, who aren’t supremacists, “in on it,” or secretly satanist.


And keep in mind that God has promised Abraham that His children will be a part of His eternal kingdom. Remember that Christ Himself has said, and Paul has repeated, that there are significant numbers of Jews who God will graft onto the tree and mercifully decree forgiven. That means there are and have been Jews God loves and sees fit to count as righteous and who will join us in Paradise.


For this reason, broad anti-semitism that paints all Jews with same brush and accusatory finger should be discouraged as inconsistent with both the truth and God’s word. But the flip side is that specifically Jewish criticism or accusations should not be similarly dismissed immediately as paranoid delusions/conspiracy or attributed to a priori anti-semitism without any rationale or evidence.

Anonymous ID: 5cefa9 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:33 a.m. No.4483991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3997 >>4003 >>4007 >>4060




The reality is that God has chosen the Jews as the beginning and end of the story of Christ. Like poetic bookends, they started as oppressed, righteous believers who were unfairly hated by the world, had no possessions or money (and sometimes no home, no country, no direction, no freedom), but nevertheless were able to fulfill God’s will and lay the foundation for Christ to bring us salvation. But in the end the script is flipped as it is also the Jews who are said will be the enemies of God’s people, ultimately aligned with the anti-Christ, with plenty of power and success and wealth in the world but now actively at war with God and all He commands or wills.


The people God chose to be related to as a human being and who He trusted to form a faithful and thoughtful enough society to receive and accept God come in the flesh are the same people that God has chosen to become His biggest enemy and violators of His values and commandments. The oppressed become the oppressor. The impoverished outcasts become wealthy insiders.


It’s not fair to dismiss the entirety of Jews as exclusively evil when they have always contained a spectrum from righteousness to evil. We can see by the stories in the Bible and from observation that they aren’t a unified whole. There is drift over time in which of three groups is the prevailing influence, but also conflict, division, and independence between the three types as well. None of them can be said to describe them all, throughout history.


It’s also not accurate to dismiss the entire idea of the Jews as chosen by God, as I often see Christians insinuating. But it is important to understand the Biblical context. The Jews were not chosen as a race. One man, Abraham, was chosen and his descendants were to continue his mission. Those descendants became the Jews. God did not show any preference towards an entire race/culture. He picked a single person, and their descendants. 

But more importantly, the Bible is brutal in making it clear that just because the Jews were the people God used, communicated with, and protected as they carried out His will, does NOT mean there’s anything special about Jews themselves. Every single Jewish figure of importance is shown to fuck up. Every single Jewish community is shown to fuck up. They often acted stupidly, arrogantly, selfishly, evilly. God often had to reprimand, punish, and even pass judgement and kill them. In fact, when God makes His very first covenant with Abraham, He makes it clear. He engages in a customary two-person ritual to enter into an agreement, but instead of God and Abraham both taking equal part, God puts Abe to sleep and does both His and Abe’s part of the ritual Himself to signify that the Jews bring nothing to the table. It is only God, who happens to be using this group. 


Also remember that God has a pattern of demonstrating His power by stacking the odds against Him as well as subverting expectations by deliberately under-impressing. He had the walls of Jericho fall down with trumpets. He rode in on a donkey instead of a horse. He was born in a manger, and stayed poor his entire life. He had Goliath killed with a single stone. It’s clear there that God isn’t showing off how superior of a weapon trumpets and stones are or expressing favoritism for mangers over houses or donkeys over horses. He’s highlighting Himself by showing He can work wonders with impractical or seemingly insufficient tools. He raise up a King that inherits the universe and becomes the savior of mankind from a baby born in a barn, without ever needing money, favors, or help. He is proclaiming that He is inherently the Lord, and a noble steed can’t offer Him anything more than a donkey.


It seems to me that being chosen as the vehicle carrying out God’s will does not imply supremacy or favoritism. It often can imply the opposite. So there’s no need to shy away from God legitimately working through Jews. The Bible never claims this elevates them in any way.

Anonymous ID: 5cefa9 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.4483997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4003 >>4005 >>4051 >>4108




Lastly, the Bible makes it plain that Jews aren’t God’s chosen people in a general or permanent sense. They were chosen, but for a specific time and a specific purpose. They were to set the conditions for Jesus to be born into a culture that would allow Him to survive living without sin, who would be expecting Him and able to recognize His arrival, understand His teachings, accept Him, and continue His ministry. 

Jesus’ birth fulfilled and concluded the Jew’s role and status as “chosen.” Jesus specifically commands and explains that Jesus provided a path towards God allowing anyone who repents to be among “His people,” and Jews were no longer singled out. Faithful Jews who continued as Jewish people instead of accepting Christ are still promised that God will keep His promise to Abraham and grant them salvation. However, God also says that He will greatly humble the Jews as a punishment for rejecting Christ and continuing as Jews after God commanded otherwise. They are to be set up as the enemy, and their future role on Earth will be revealed to be the work of the devil. God will not preserve their legacy as God’s faithful people. The Jews will instead have been both especially blessed and important to God’s plan as they are especially cursed and adversaries of God’s plan. 

The righteous will be saved but humbled and brought to kneel before Christ. The self-righteous will be judged according to their sins as they always were. The evil will exposed and condemned.


However, that doesn’t mean we have to shy away from the Jewish “problem.” It just means we can’t simplify it. We have to accurately contend with specifics and not ignore reality. And believers should definitely not misrepresent God’s relationship with the Jewish people. It’s discrediting, inaccurate, divisive, and counter-productive to demonize Jews as a whole. And it’s that attitude that causes people to dismiss any valid points you may actually have as dangerous, hateful, ignorant, or not worth investigating or thoughtful discussion.


Instead, I think we should be following God’s example. He treats Jews differently, depending on the individual, so we should as well. He sought to convert those who could be converted, speak the truth, and expose all that is false and evil. So, speak the truth. Call out Jewish supremacism. Call out Jewish people favoring their own and discriminating against non-Jews. Call out Jews who are mis-representing their own Holy Texts by asserting God’s favoritism. Connect dots, compare the historical narrative to the evidence, ask questions. Expose evil and call out satanic sects masquerading as Judaism or satanists actively pretending to be Jews. Try bring them to Christ. 


Tackle the things you can defend. Bring the crimes to light. Poke holes in what’s false. But don’t let hate or hastiness cause you do dismiss the nuance. Remember that there are many, many Jews who are your brothers and sisters, who don’t conspire or push a subversive agenda. You can acknowledge the incredibly important role they played in serving God while talking about the antagonistc role they play now. You can understand they were chosen and set apart by God, but not permanently or because they’re any better than anyone else or God’s favorite people group. 


The reality is that there is something important and true to the idea that there is a “Jewish Problem.” But that doesn’t mean all Jews are a problem, that they have always been or exclusively are a problem, or that they’re the ONLY problem.