Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.4484027   🗄️.is đź”—kun

New International Economic Order, American Credit System, Stop WWIII

The Big "If…"

After the Christmas holiday, we find ourselves in the full swing of a worldwide crisis which offers the greatest prospects for a fundamental breakthrough for the human species since at latest Franklin Roosevelt's efforts of three-quarters of a century ago. This unique, unprecedented moment probably offers even greater opportunities than those that Douglas MacArthur hailed at the end of World War II—before Churchill and Truman destroyed them. While it is true that terrible dangers threaten us, yet Lyndon LaRouche's methods can provide the inspiration, through decisive and far-seeing…READ MORE

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:46 a.m. No.4484033   🗄️.is đź”—kun

World Land-Bridge, New International Economic Order, Stop WWIII

The President is Ending the Policy of 'Perpetual War' — Now the American People Have to Replace It

U.S. establishment figures and media are hysterical over the resignation of Gen. James Mattis as Defense Secretary. But it is President Donald Trump's policy actions that matter, not the degree to which his Cabinet and other appointees, or his "fellow" Republicans in Congress, agree with him. Withdrawal of American troops from Syria and Afghanistan is one of those things the American people who elected Trump President hoped, against hope, that he would do.READ MORE

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 2:47 a.m. No.4484039   🗄️.is đź”—kun

World Land-Bridge, New International Economic Order, Stop WWIII


The President is Ending the Policy of 'Perpetual War' — Now the American People Have to Replace It


U.S. establishment figures and media are hysterical over the resignation of Gen. James Mattis as Defense Secretary. But it is President Donald Trump's policy actions that matter, not the degree to which his Cabinet and other appointees, or his "fellow" Republicans in Congress, agree with him. Withdrawal of American troops from Syria and Afghanistan is one of those things the American people who elected Trump President hoped, against hope, that he would do.READ MORE

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.4484085   🗄️.is đź”—kun

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After the Christmas holiday, we find ourselves in the full swing of a worldwide crisis which offers the greatest prospects for a fundamental breakthrough for the human species since at latest Franklin Roosevelt's efforts of three-quarters of a century ago. This unique, unprecedented moment probably offers even greater opportunities than those that Douglas MacArthur hailed at the end of World War II—before Churchill and Truman destroyed them. While it is true that terrible dangers threaten us, yet Lyndon LaRouche's methods can provide the inspiration, through decisive and far-seeing leadership, to enable nations to overcome them.


To pursue one example to try to illustrate this point: President Trump's decisive action in withdrawing from Syria and then, presumably, from Afghanistan, has of course reminded the American people of the reasons that they elected him President. After the desolation of the Bush and Obama years, it has rekindled their vision of what the country could be.


But it has done more, as the reports below begin to indicate. The U.S. rejection of the "forever wars" foisted on us by the British empire, is simultaneously triggering an incipient process of negotiation between the Four Powers of the U.S., Russia, China and India—along with others such as Turkey, Syria, and Pakistan—on an emerging peace order for South and Southwest Asia. Not only does this mesh perfectly with China's Belt and Road Initiative, but it brings us closer to negotiations for a New Bretton Woods system—if we force those to happen.

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.4484086   🗄️.is đź”—kun


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At the same time, China's Chang'e-4, now orbiting the Moon, will soon make the first-ever soft landing on its far side—perhaps as soon as the first week in January. Just as we are now entering an unprecedented moment of all human history—so also, everything the Chinese lander finds there will be a new discovery; no one has ever been there before, and so nothing is really known.


Although the fake-news media is studiously ignoring Chang'e-4 now, this will soon be impossible even for them, and the news of this great space mission for mankind will break wide open into the midst of the ongoing mass-strike process. LaRouchePAC Texas leader Kesha Rogers has asked whether there will be a "Chang'e-4 shock" like the Sputnik shock of October 4, 1957—a fair question. Sputnik, man's first step into space, changed the world forever. Indeed, America under the Second Eisenhower Administration changed as if overnight. The revival of the country and the New Deal spirit which we associate with the Kennedy years, actually began under Eisenhower with the "beep-beep" of Sputnik.


Along with Chang'e-4, we have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 8 mission in which humans first orbited the Moon. This was the first time that human beings had ever left the influence of the Earth's gravitation to enter that of another heavenly body. Decades earlier, Russian space pioneer Konstantin Tsiolkovsky had called it "breaking the chains of slavery to gravity."

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.4484087   🗄️.is đź”—kun

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Apollo 8 was not only a triumph of humanity and of science—it was also a triumph of leadership. Three astronauts had been killed in 1967, and the U.S. Moon program was in trouble. Then, in August of 1968, a mere 16 weeks before Apollo 8 came to be launched, a middle-level NASA leader in Houston called two peers into a secret meeting, to propose to repurpose what would have been a redundant Earth-orbiting mission into the first manned mission into Lunar orbit. After Houston had secretly determined that the mission was indeed doable, they telephoned NASA Administrator Jim Webb in Europe for the go-ahead. Webb was furious at them, but he had to agree—and the rest is history. Science, history, leadership—they're all ultimately the same thing.


In his Y2000 autobiography Failure Is Not an Option, pioneering flight controller Gene Kranz wrote, "To keep this mission clearly separated from the current plans, I designated Apollo 8 as the X mission. Until the mission was approved, we had to keep all mission data for the originally planned E mission. The X mission was now joining the ranks of the Gemini 4 space walk, the Gemini 76 rendezvous, and [george] Mueller's all-up Saturn test concept, as examples of the high-risk, high-gain leadership we had in the 1960s. The decision to go to the Moon with Apollo 8 was made before we had ever flown a manned Apollo spacecraft."

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.4484092   🗄️.is đź”—kun


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"The President is Ending the Policy of 'Perpetual War' — Now the American People Have to Replace It"

U.S. establishment figures and media are hysterical over the resignation of Gen. James Mattis as Defense Secretary. But it is President Donald Trump's policy actions that matter, not the degree to which his Cabinet… READ MORE


" Does the United States Need a Beautiful Culture?"

Megan Beets addresses today's meeting to discuss the most overlooked, but essential aspect of Lyndon LaRouche's discovery in economics: the role of beauty and culture. To say the United States' culture (not to… READ MORE


"Lies About China, Russia & Trump Come from Neo-liberals Who Have Bankrupted Their Own System"

With the success China has had in raising the living standard of its population over the last four decades, why is it being subjected to a campaign of such "malicious fabrications" (in Foreign Affairs, ARTE… READ MORE


US Presidency

"Trump Moves Against the Empire — Announces Pullout from Syria and Development in Mexico and Central America"

President Trump is beginning to find some room to act upon his actual intentions, having consolidated support in the Senate in the election, making impeachment essentially impossible, while the British Russiagate… READ MORE

Anonymous ID: b2a317 Dec. 27, 2018, 4:29 a.m. No.4484429   🗄️.is đź”—kun

(((👉 [CFR]))) is the USA affiliate of the #UK Royal Institute of International Affairs aka Chatham House. They are +++ vehicles of World Government made up of GLOBALIST traitors posing as "think tanks", non-profits & NGO's