You used "we" and "our" as if you're with us.
I don't think you ARE with us.
>The word "marginal" is interesting, as well. Who >says that word to a 7 year old?
Someone who doesn't talk to kids like they're stupid?
Side note: I wish Pres. Reagan had told ME that Santa wasn't real, instead of some asshole 5th grader on the school bus.
Anon's interpretation/"decode" is still not notable.
It's a subjective post. It's not a BAD post - is just an opinion.
Example: My own interpretation of the video is different than this particular interpretation. I don't know that my own interpretation is correct. If I feel like sharing it, I will. IF that happens, there is nothing to support it being put in notables. BECAUSE IT IS AN OPINION and cannot be verified at this time.
Heck, why not both paid and unbalanced?
Manymanymany excellent posts happen that aren't note-worthy. What makes them excellent is their potential, I think.
I see this place as a casual conversation about a handful of related topics. Just like IRL, if someone keeps insisting on the great importance of their contribution to the conversation, I become kinda suspicious of their motivation. Usually, it's an ego-problem, if you're at a social event/whatever. On this board, however, it may be the same thing (ego issues) and there are also other variables to consider.
Anyway. Glad baker agrees is what I'm really saying. :)
Sure - LOTS of opinions are shared that I think are SPOT ON. :)
That doesn't make them legit, tho.
Ah, YES! We ARE a committee. The not so itty bitty nerdy committee. :)
I've certainly been on less productive committees.
Correct. Legitimate sauce, tho. None of that Prego-type shit.
Ha! This is great. :)