Haha you did your red text rong. Spoiled child, get a lump of coal did you?
It's my favorite! We've been in the sandbox my whole adult life and some high school. It's been time.
I even happy teared.
I tried warning mystic dad in law they might. When I said dead cat bounce I think he'd thought I lost it. I haven't had the balls to invest, just turning my Christmas cash to silver I think. I told him buckle up but don't have a heart attack, things will ems up fine.
Hope so, he's got enough going on. Cancer now. Heart surgery last year.
>>4484926 (me)
I wish dad was mystic, but he does love nikola tesla so there's that. And now, covfefe.
Gen X can do cursive too, and we "left kids behind" all the time.
I'd bet most of us are, we were first really to get to traverse the wild wild web in the early 90s. I looked up conspiracy topics and gore lol
Them panhandling would be an excellent belated Christmas gift… I'd pay money for pics lol
I like nice penmanship. Plus I practiced it for hours so I'll still use it can't write cursive fag.
My dad would write with his left hand, explain Santa had too much beer and cookies lol
A paper dollar, that I cleaned dog shit with