Anonymous ID: 7f3032 Dec. 27, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.4484714   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5236



My Predictions

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone who is upset with all the flak I am getting, please bear in mind four things: (1) you don't

catch flak until you are right over the target; and, (2) a lot of Americans are just now waking up, so

we are seeing a lot of "Hibernating Bear" responses; and, (3) the Bad Guys are going down. You can't

expect that to happen in a Garden Party atmosphere; and, (4) I have already outlined our Action Plan:

(A) Declare and record your correct nationality and political status and (B) Organize your local and

State Jural Assemblies and (C) Elect your own Justices, Court Officers, and Sheriffs to enforce the

Public Law, and (D) Otherwise, we mind our own business and let the Federales take out their own

dirty laundry.

The step-by-step restoration of our lawful government may sound boring to those who crave

drama, but it is peaceful and orderly and gives the Vermin no excuse to interfere with us and our

affairs. Those who rampaging around like bulls calling for "war" of any kind are playing into the

hands of the thieves and murderers responsible for this whole situation.

Be gentle as doves and wise as serpents.

If you are an American, all the nastiness taking place in DC, all the criminal actions and bankruptcies

and drama β€” all that has nothing to do with you. That is all the business of your subcontractors, the

"U.S. Citizens". It's their mess. Leave them to clean it up, while you clean up your side of the fence.

Imagine that you are the Lord of the Manor (because you are) and you are looking out your window.

You see your Lawn Care Company employees and your Waste Management Company employees

duking it out on the front lawn. Both companies are in receivership and its a real donnybrook melee.

Does that have anything to do with you? No.

Send their bankruptcy trustees a bill for damaging your grass and move on.

You have your own business to attend to. Keep your pert noses out of the Federales' fights and

address your own affairs.

Many of the "LEOs" β€” Law Enforcement Officers β€” have been blackmailed and more have been

betrayed by leaders and fraternity brothers they trusted.

It's not a pretty situation. Many of them are still ignorant and have no idea that what they are doing

is wrong.

NYPD was asleep and its conscience was stone dead until they got a load of what was on Anthony

Wiener's laptop. It was only when these men could finally see what they were protecting, and what

was actually going on, that the worm turned.

Since then the "Revolt against the Revolting" has spread from the NYPD to the FBI to Treasury to DOJ

to the USAG to the Inspector Generals. Good men in all these LEO organizations and in the military

are rallying.

Just as the Vermin have deliberately confused America with "the US", they have deliberately

confused the United Nations with "the UN" and they have used us and our churches and our lawful

institutions as storefronts that they have usurped upon and tried to "eat out" from the inside, like

tape worms.

The only way these commercial criminals could succeed was by deceit and secrecy and by co-opting

decent people. That's why all the "Secret Societies" and "Secret Orders of Knighthood" and "Secret

Fraternities", all the payola, all the strict compartmentalization of knowledge existsβ€”to bribe, to

entice, to control, to enforce, to blackmail.

Now, people are waking up.

Mr. Trump and an Alliance of White Hats will clean up the Municipal United States and all the

renegade alphabet soup agencies that the Enemies of Mankind intended to use as a mercenary

"ARMY" already in place and operating under color of law on our shores.

Trump will do this in spite of great resistance from guilty members of Congress, some members of

the "Senior Executive Service" and guilty senior Agency personnel.

The ax has already fallen in the "STATE OF ARKANSAS". I predict that the next bastion of criminality

to go down will be the "STATE OF NEVADA".

As the wheels of Justice begin to grind, the extent of the corruption and the horrendous nature of the

corruption will be exposed. You will see how good men were drugged and tempted and lied to and

then systematically forced to do hideous things by blackmailers.

You will see how bad men rose to power and how they used political power and legal chicanery to

undermine our lawful government, while protecting themselves from the consequences of their own


If anyone from the UN CORP wants to complain about it, they will be facing a new coalition of

nationalist governments.

The Territorial United States has been under martial law since 1863, so that is no news at all. Read more …


Anonymous ID: 7f3032 Dec. 27, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.4484930   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



10 Days of Darkness

Drop #88


4 Nov 2017 - 10:31:00 PM

Ten days.


Scare tactics (MSM).

D's falling.

R's walk-away/removed.

SA β†’ US β†’ Asia β†’ EU

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).


POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).


Why is this relevant?

What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

Why is this relevant?

SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

Where is POTUS?

Why is this relevant?

Military operations.

Operators in US.

Snow White

The Great Awakening

Godfather III