You had a great year Freddy, we believe in you.
Here's to an even better 2019 together.
Donald Trump is not so easily impacted by a chan shill. Don't worry patriot, you don't need to protect POTUS, it's "them" who need protection.
Freddy, I won't be able to get that out of my head. I finally have an image to put to your name, and it's hilarious. Probably just because it feels a little too close to the truth.
Some problems don't go away when you ignore them. Freddy is a great test of human psychology on this board. Freddy gives a lot away in terms of what the enemy finds important, and gives away even more when he responds on the spot. There are some valuable insights to be had.
I never called you the enemy Freddy. You are a simple tool used by them, and I am truly sorry that they use you like a court jester to make a fool of yourself on a daily basis just to achieve their ends. I never blame the puppet for what the master tells it to do.