>>4484302 (last)
Pretty weak. You still let him say headaches were invented by Jews, which is absurd.
>>4484322 (last)
Yeah, these "elites" we have may just be trash people. No wonder they hate us.
We're going to have a lot of very lame comments coming out of the House for next 2 years. Put the House on "ignore".
OK so now in the time of #metoo, far too late for anyone involved to fight back, he floats a new domestic violence charge (unsubstantiated) against Richard Nixon whom he probably never liked anyway. Maybe it's all just made up.
Maybe he's just a shithead.
>>4486372 This has certainly taken down my estimation of the guy quite a few notches, and I used to think he was one of the best. Just another #metoo opportunist, isn't he? Who knows how much distortion is in his other stories?
Ebola will probably have killed even more by March. Seems like a bogus excuse to me.
And she's still in the WH reporter pool? Trump never cleans out the trash. She's still there, Acosta is still there (though they tried to remove him).
Heh, but it supports the idea that the drop was from Trump when it was clearly the Fed. As for the rise, I guess it's because all the other economies in the world suck even worse, can't say for sure.
Catastrophe looms indeed for them. People maybe to be rounded up and sent to our accommodations in southeastern Cuba. Another conservative SCOTUS justice (several are getting old and infirm, not just one).
Kelly seems authentic. He didn't have a meteoric rise within the Marines, it was slow and very steady, he worked for everything he got over decades.
I've been "awake" since probably the day of 9/11, because I watched things very carefully that day on TV.
And I still don't know if Giuliani is clean or dirty. His actions on the day and right after were fine. There were plenty of dissenters to the official story, and maybe it was not his time to throw his career on the fire by joining us. He didn't do much to support the official fairy tale either, as I remember.
They spent over a year creating that cell phone. A work of art, no doubt.
tbqh it splits the Jewish community. I'm Jewish, but I saw thru at least some of the exaggerations (I don't know exactly what did happen, neither do historians) and it made me negative on Jewish leadership. I would have embraced my heritage sooner without all the propaganda being put out under its name.