Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.4486831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7141 >>7435 >>7557

Yellow vests block highway near Belgian-Dutch border


Yellow vest protesters have blocked the E25 highway in Voeren, Belgium. The blockade, near the Belgian-Dutch border led to a stop of traffic into the Dutch city of Maastricht.


On Wednesday night, twenty yellow vest protesters blocked the highway with wooden pallets and rubber pallets. Later they were set on fire, Dutch local broadcaster 1Limburg reports.


The blockade in Belgium was only a few hundred meters from the border crossing with the Netherlands.


Belgian and Dutch authorities worked together to remove the blockade and the action was set to a halt around midnight.


Three people were arrested by the police.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.4486854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911 >>7049 >>7089 >>7435 >>7557

As Hemp Legalized, Facebook Now Banning Hemp Pages in Apparent Move to Protect Big Pharma


As the farm bill legalized hemp nationwide, Facebook began unpublishing help pages, accusing them of 'promoting pharmaceuticals' without Facebook's approval.


Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing far safer alternative treatments as wel. However, all this changed this month after President Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement act of 2018, legalizing industrial hemp on a national scale.


Industrial hemp is once again legal in all 50 states but its legalization has set off a new disturbing trend. In a move that appears to be a give away to big pharma, Facebook has begun banning hemp pages.


Just as the farm bill was passed by the House and Senate earlier this month, the page for hemp grower “Franny’s Farmacy” was banned.


“We had that up for about the first month, got a few thousand followers, it was great, it was really driving sales, then it disappeared,” co-owner Franny Tacy said.


The reason Facebook gave them for banning their hemp page was utterly bogus too. The social media giant claimed that Franny was “Promoting the sale of prescription pharmaceuticals.”


Much more:

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.4486863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6982 >>6995

Nationalists Surge After Belgian Govt Collapse Over Migrant Pact


Support for Belgium’s two largest Flemish nationalist parties, who are both anti-mass migration, has exploded after the collapse of the government due to disagreements over the UN migrant pact.


When combined, the conservative New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) and the populist Vlaams Belang now account for a massive 42 percent of the vote in Flanders according to a poll released by Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad earlier this week Le Soir reports.


The poll was conducted just after the New Flemish Alliance resigned from the coalition government following their vocal opposition to the country signing the controversial UN migrant pact in Marrakech earlier this month. Shortly afterwards, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel offered his resignation to Belgian King Philippe.


While the N-VA expanded their support, Vlaams Belang, the Flemish populist party that sits in the same European Parliamentary group as Matteo Salvini’s Lega and Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN), doubled their support from six to twelve percent.


The UN migration pact, which led to the collapse of the Belgian coalition, has been rejected by several European Union member states including Austria, Hungary and the populist government of Italy who refused to sign the agreement saying that it would be voted on in the Italian parliament instead.


Even in countries where the government has been supportive of the agreement, such as France under President Emmanuel Macron, there have been severe criticisms of the pact. The populist Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement has made the pact one of its criticisms of the Macron government with members demanding France opt out of the agreement.


Macron has also faced opposition from current and former high ranking members of the French armed forces over the issue as well. Several French generals, along with former Defence Minister Charles Millon, signed a letter that referred to the French president as a “traitor” for signing the pact.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.4486873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895 >>7089 >>7148 >>7360 >>7435 >>7484 >>7557

Obama and Gore Said Global Warming Would Cause More Severe Tornadoes – 2018 Was First EVER with NO VIOLENT TORNADOES


Remember this?

Back in January 2013, Barack Obama blamed climate change/global warming for “raging fires, crippling drought and more powerful storms” during his second Inaugural speech.


Peace award winner Al Gore supported his comments.


But Obama and Gore were wrong again.

According to the NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center the total number of tornadoes during 2012 was just 936 – a ten year low.


And 2018 was the first year ever with no violent tornadoes in the United States.

LMT Online reported:


In the whirlwind that is 2018, there has been a notable lack of high-end twisters.


We’re now days away from this becoming the first year in the modern record with no violent tornadoes touching down in the United States. Violent tornadoes are the strongest on a 0 to 5 scale, or those ranked EF4 or EF5.


Obama, Gore and fellow junk scientists were wrong again.

Will the liberal mainstream media point this out?

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.4486887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6930

Norwegians furious at their PM for ‘ignoring’ jihad murder of fellow citizen in Morocco


No matter what Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg posts on Facebook these days, the comments are negative. People argue that the signing of the UN Migration Pact in Marrakesh was a stab in the back of the nation.


They also rage against Erna’s media handling of the murder of Maren Ueland, which they believe was a pure jihad-slaughter.


“A PM who ignores her own people, who is totally absent when a young Norwegian girl is murdered in the most bestial way. And who chose not to lift a finger to secure her people at a time when we actually needed and deserved a statesman who put her country and people, and their safety first.”, writes one.


“5 countries voted no to the Marrakesh agreement and 12 abstained, why did Norway not at least abstain to vote when the people clearly say no to this agreement! What kind of “leader” are you?”, writes another.


The execution of Maren Ueland in the Atlas Mountains has shaken the Norwegians deeply:


“Seriously speaking Erna, I can say nothing but shame on you – two days after the approval of the Marrakesh agreement, two girls were killed in the most macabre way – five miles away from Marrakesh. A video showing the murders can be downloaded. It is reasonable that you watch it and come back in full publicity with your reaction.”


“Were these women killed because they were white and had the wrong faith? Hope it’s not people with this thought pattern you and your colleagues “invite” to peaceful Norway?”, a woman states.


Recently the Prime Minister posted a Christmas greeting:


“Christmas is a great time for traditions. A tradition I love is writing Christmas cards. As prime Minister there will be a good deal of them. Are you going to send Christmas cards this year?”, she wrote.


People responded instantly:


“A Christmas tradition Erna, is that you safeguard the interest of the Norwegians and the welfare state. But you definitely don’t! You overlook the people in this country! Many are sick of you and your falsity!”, one reply read.


To assert that anger boils in the population is not an exaggeration. People find that the nation’s own interests are ignored, while protests against violence in the name of Islam are silenced.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.4486909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6927

‘Open Borders’ Advocates Are Pushing Immigration System to ‘Breaking Point,’ Says DHS


Following the death of a second migrant child in federal immigration custody in the past month, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says systems for dealing with border security and migrants are being pushed to the “breaking point.”


“Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a written statement. “Smugglers, traffickers, and their own parents put these minors at risk by embarking on the dangerous and arduous journey north. This crisis is exacerbated by the increase in persons who are entering our custody suffering from severe respiratory illnesses or exhibit some other illness upon apprehension.”


“Given the remote locations of their illegal crossing and the lack of resources,” the secretary explained, “it is even more difficult for our personnel to be first responders.”

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.4486964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6973 >>7013 >>7105

Netanyahu: Under no circumstances will I resign


Netanyahu's Likud party threatened that Mandelblit will be attacked mercilessly if he publishes his decision before the elections.




Decision on whether to indict Netanyahu on bribery charges coming fast


Ex-State Attorney: Attorney-General must indict PM Netanyahu for bribery


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told confidants that he doesn't believe that Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit will actually dare to indict him during the election campaign, but even if he does, he's not resigning, according to a report in Yisrael Hayom by poltical analyst Motti Tuchfeld on Thursday morning.


Netanyahu said in a personal conversation that even if an indictment is brought against him during the elections, he's not going anywhere, and the trial will be held during his term as prime minister.


"The law is clear, even if an indictment is filed against me, I'm not resigning," Netanyahu said.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.4486981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6986

Now Russia warns Turkey to stay OUT of Syria and let Assad take back areas vacated by Trump's withdrawal of US troops as Erdogan's forces prepare attack


Pictures show Turkish armoured vehicles being sent to the border with Syria

Turkey 'determined' to clear US-allied Kurdish fighters from Manbij in Syria

US president Donald Trump announced a pullout of troops from Syria last week

Russia says it expects Syrian forces to take back areas vacated by US troops


Russia has told Turkey to let the Syrian government take back areas vacated by US troops with Ankara preparing to clear Kurdish fighters from a town in the war-torn country.


The Kremlin's Foreign Ministry said it expects the territory to be handed to Assad's forces after US president Donald Trump announced a pullout from the country last week - a move that surprised allies and sparked the resignation of two of his top aides.


Turkey has said it is working with Washington to coordinate the withdrawal of US forces but remains 'determined' to clear US-allied Kurdish fighters from Manbij in northern Syria. Pictures have emerged today showing Turkish armoured military vehicles and troop carriers being dispatched to the border with Syria.


However, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's troops and Russian forces have also started deploying to the front lines around the town.


Yesterday, Moscow's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova emphasised that territories in eastern Syria should be handed over to the Syrian government in line with international law.


She said Moscow was unaware of any details of the planned US withdrawal from Syria, but added that the move would help peaceful settlement in Syria if implemented.



Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.4487006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7009 >>7210





More than two years ago I wrote a comment with the title “When the Israel lobby rings twice”, but today it doesn’t quite fit anymore. In fact, the lobby has infiltrated German public life. They sit in almost all forums, parties, organizations. And in the media they are constantly on the lookout and consult editorial offices and broadcasters, so that everything goes according to their wishes and criticism of Israel is immediately stopped and the critics are silenced. The influence of this lobby and its demands are unprecedented. Why did the Merkel-Gro/Ko hide until today that during the last German-Israeli government consultations Prime Minister Netanyahu handed over a paper to Chancellor Merkel urging the German government to stop support for non-governmental organizations that allegedly “promote anti-Israeli activities”? We know only too well what this means and who. After all, it now affects anyone who dares to stand up for Palestine’s freedom and against Israeli policies that violate international law.


Netanyahu regime: one of the most influential lobbyists


The “Jewish State” is now so sure, thanks to the West, especially the German hypocrites, that nobody gets in its way any more, and thus acts more audaciously and uninhibitedly. The Merkel government has succeeded in making the Netanyahu regime one of the most influential lobbyists, who have now established themselves in all areas of public life and smuggled in their helpers (Sayanim).


The Zionist spell also hit the Jewish Museum in Berlin, which had ventured an exhibition with “Welcome to Israel”, which presents the three monotheistic religions and their effects on the lives of the people in Israel, rich in facts, with examples, documents and pictures.


This exhibition shows both the more than one-sided pro-Israel film “24 Hours Jerusalem” as well as far too sparse Palestinian perspectives, and shows the clear violation of international law of the “Jewish State” with the annexed Jerusalem as the “eternally undivided” capital of a “Jewish State”. Thus this exhibition is “balanced” and leaves room for discussion.


However, the Netanyahu regime tries to prevent these “free spaces” and discussions by all means. The “Jewish State” wants to prevent anything that appears to leave the Palestinians a place in illegally occupied Palestine. Everything that is reported about the legitimate claim of the displaced and occupied people is a thorn in their side, because they know all too well about their crimes and their guilt. What is now being done with the example of the Jewish Museum is only a metaphor for the new Jewish anti-Semitism, which also does not stop at Jews and Jewish organizations, museums and institutions, as long as they are not really connected with the “Jewish State” or the Central Council of Jews.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.4487031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Fitton on WMAL: Illicit Mueller Probe a ‘Symptom’ of Abusive Power of Government


December 27, 2018- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Mornings on the Mall” on WMAL Radio to discuss the upcoming report by the Mueller probe on alleged Trump/Russia collusion during the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.4487093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Steyer, Jeffrey Epstein Connection Exposed


One of the most striking thing about this is how certain people are directly and clearly implicated in acts of child sex, trafficking, and torture. Having briefly looked into it, here are some of the names who came up. Anyone who has looked more deeply into it please add any more below so we can keep track of who exactly is involved here, Evidence of direct involvement:


Wealth Genius – List of American Billionaires | Genius…

Jeffrey Epstein Charlie Ergen Thomas … Tom Love George Lucas Daniel K. Ludwig Jeffrey Lurie Harry B. Macklowe Marion MacMillan … Tom Steyer Jon Stryker

James Alefantis

James Steyer

Tom Steyer

Herb Sandler

Susan Sandler

John Podesta

Tony Podesta

Mary Podesta

Don Kuykendall

Aaric Eisenstein

Darryl O'Connor

Susan Copeland

Tamera Luzzatto

Amanda Kleinman

Chris Douglas

Jeremy Edwards

Robin Blackburn

Fred Burton

Andrew Kline

Eryn Sepp

Eleanor Clift

Jennifer Palmieri

Tara McGuiness

Kathyn Tate

Kris Cleary

Laura Macrorie

Zachary Allen

Daniel Parrish

Rachel Rauscher

Todd Stern

Maya Harris

Laura Silsby.

Endorsed pedophilic images on social media or posted like images themselves:

Biljana Djurdjevic

Sasha Lord

Meshelle Armstrong (boss_lady_eats)

Izette Maccoby Folger (izettefolger)

Cory Woolman aka Cory Woolman-Reineke (ccwoolman)

Scott Cummings (mr_scott_cummings) (husband of above)

Scott Fazzini (scottfazzini)

Cassie May Windham-Wills (casswindwills) (works as doula)

Joseph Wills (husband of above)

Christopher Boutlier (cboutlier)

Shea Van Horn aka Summer Camp (mssummercamp)

Mark Cisneros

Jeff Schmid (of The Apes) / Jeff Smith (werkinonmahnightcheese)

Kate Damon

Travis Kraft

Nilay Lawson

Joshua Ryan Vogelsong

Matt Hollamby (mhollamby)

Troy McConnell (cisjenner)

Christian Daw (sayhoeta)

Alexandra Migoya

Associated with above and with 'pizza' imagery (that has Satanic/occult, sexual meaning):

Cassandra Lee Hamilton

Jonathan Finn-Gamiño

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.4487123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7143 >>7146 >>7159 >>7189 >>7223 >>7233 >>7335 >>7435 >>7557

Apple Bans Christian App, Google and Amazon Urged to Follow Suit


Many would agree that if a product is “dangerous” it should be carefully monitored, or even pulled from sales entirely — but it all depends on what “dangerous” means.

According to an organization named “Truth Wins Out,” biblical teachings on homosexuality are too “dangerous” for the public marketplace of ideas.

The BBC reported Monday that Apple has heard the pleas of the group and removed an app produced by Living Hope Ministries from its app store. Google and Amazon are being encouraged by activists to follow suit.

A download of the app reveals that its contents are essentially the same as what can be found on the Texas-based ministry’s website. The ministry describes itself as a “Christian ministry focused on sexual wholeness.”

It has Bible-based teachings for various groups, including youth, men, women, and spouses.

And gay rights groups have no use for that, of course.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.4487139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In 2018 the Deep State went public & the Dems betrayed us


Summary: Before we start a new year, let’s see the extraordinary events that made 2018 an inflection year in American political history. Let’s make 2019 a great year – but in a good way, unlike 2018.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.4487179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Grassroots Movement: Do Yellow Vests Have Backers in French Establishment?


The yellow vests movement is unlikely to force French President Emmanuel Macron to resign unless protesters have powerful backers within France's political circles, Italian journalist Daniele Pozzati told Sputnik.


There are no doubts about the grassroots nature of the ongoing "yellow vests" protests, however, one should not underestimate the possibility of a split within the French political establishment, Munich-based Italian journalist and political analyst Daniele Pozzati told Sputnik.


"Last October, [conservative Italian journalist Maurizio] Blondet pointed out that a series of resignations at the highest level of French government had left Macron struggling to fill vacant posts, due to the reluctance of French senior politicians to associate their names with an apparently doomed presidency. This was before yellow vests came along," he recalled.


He highlighted that the protests were well-arranged, with all types of social media platforms being used. "By wearing an instantly recognisable, bright coloured street-uniform, the protestors make a visual, media-friendly impact", Pozzati said, adding that his first impression was that the protests resembled nothing so much as a so-called "color revolt."


Ruling out an "external factor", the Italian journalist suggested that apparently, part of the French establishment could side with the protesters.


He referred to a 3 December interview with Christophe Chalencon, spokesman for the yellow vests in Vaucluse, on Europe 1 radio station. In the interview, Chalencon called for the resignation of the government of Edouard Philippe and the appointment of General de Villiers to his position.


"Interestingly, General Pierre de Villiers resigned as the chief of staff of the French Armed Forces on July 2017, shortly after Macron was elected as the French president", Pozzati said. "De Villiers resigned in protest against Macron's cuts to the French defence budget".


Pozzati has also called attention to the fact that some policemen, firemen, as well as soldiers, joined the protesters.


"If yellow vests do turn into a successful political movement, they will clearly receive help and encouragement from some very powerful circles — but certainly not the finance, media and pro-EU political elites", he presumed. "Significantly, the yellow vests' political program includes Frexit and leaving NATO. We need to ask who, apart from common people, would benefit from such a program. The answer to this question will give us vital clue as to who, within the French establishment, may be backing yellow vests".


"They all failed, one way or the other and the EU, if it continues this way, will be no exception", he predicted.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.4487228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7242 >>7251

Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation


The Arkansas swamp continues to bleed, while the spotlight shines on the Clinton Foundation. Part 1 of the Arkansas Swamp covered dozens of arrests, indictments, guilty pleas, and a key chart indicating potential upcoming arrests, from the ongoing investigations taking place in Little Rock, Arkansas. One sung like a bird, while another strong-armed others to remain silent, and yet another set out for murder-to-hire. It is important to review Part 1 to understand the magnitude of the Arkansas swamp, and the potential squeeze it may be putting on the Clinton Foundation. Their investigations have already connected senators, legislators, lobbyists, non-profits, and companies, spanning four states, with the primary focus in Arkansas. Some may believe that the Clintons haven’t been involved in Arkansas dealings for quite some time – they would be mistaken.


Deputy AG Llyod Warford, head of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit in Little Rock, made it very clear that there are ongoing investigations on a Federal level as well. This is what he had to say when asked if more indictments are coming:


I’m reasonably certain there will be more people charged, either by us or the feds. While our investigation is separate from the federal investigation, we have communicated with them about our targets and their targets, and to some extent there’s been some cooperation.


When Warford was asked if they were investigating any legislators, he said “yes” and confirmed those legislators had not yet been charged. Again, they have four million documents being held in a vault that they created, in addition to 200 GB of data they pulled out of DHS. Warford also confirmed that his unit is investigating Medicaid fraud schemes at other behavioral health providers besides Preferred Family Healthcare. This is important information to make a mental note of.


Before getting to the testimony heard on December 13th, by financial analysts John Moynihan and Larry Doyle on the Clinton Foundation, and how the Arkansas swamp investigations connect to the Clintons, there are a few key events that have taken place over the past couple of weeks.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.4487364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7410

Lebanon to file complaint with UN Security Council against Israel overflights


Lebanon is set to lodge a complaint against Israel at the United Nations Security Council, after airstrikes launched by Israeli military aircraft targeting Syria threatened civilian airliners flying over the Lebanese airspace.


Caretaker Lebanese Transportation Minister Youssef Fenianos said the aerial assaults had put at risk the lives of hundreds of civilians, who were on board passenger planes flying over Lebanon at the time of the attack.


A statement, released by Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry, denounced Israel's use of Lebanese airspace to launch attacks against “friendly countries” – in reference to Syria.


It called on the UN and the international community to denounce the aggression.


Lebanon’s Caretaker Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil also instructed Lebanese Ambassador to the UN Amal Mudallali to lodge a complaint against Israel at the Security Council.


Russian officials said on Wednesday that Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday night had threatened two airliners that were preparing to land in Damascus and Beirut.


“The provocative actions of the Israeli air force … directly threatened two airliners,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.


He added that Israel had launched the raid at the time when two civilian airliners were preparing to land, creating a “direct threat” to the aircraft.


Konashenkov highlighted that the Syrian military didn't fully engage its air defense systems in a bid to avoid hitting the passenger jets accidentally.


He added that Syrian air traffic controllers had redirected the Damascus-bound plane to the Russian-operated Hemeimeem air base in Syria’s western coastal province of Leticia.

Anonymous ID: 0a73df Dec. 27, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.4487371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7392 >>7403 >>7404

Russia’s Central Bank revokes licenses of largest forex platforms


MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. The Russian Central Bank revoked licenses of five largest Russian forex dealers - Forex Club, Fix Trade, Trustforex, Alpari Forex and Teletrade Group, the regulator said on Thursday.


Licenses are revoked starting from January 27, 2019.


According to the regulator, repeated violations throughout the year were the reason for revoking the licenses, namely - failure to fulfill or improper execution of the prescriptions of the Central Bank; violation of the procedure for maintaining internal accounting; violation of the requirements for the ratio of the amount of collateral provided by individuals to the company; violation of reporting procedures and provision of false reports; violation of organization of the risk management system; violation of the procedure for calculating funds; disclosure of inaccurate information on the company website.


Companies are obliged to terminate their professional activities in the securities market, with the exception of actions related to termination of obligations to customers arising from their professional activities in the securities market, and to ensure the return of property to customers before January 27.


At the same time, the Central Bank canceled qualification certificates of supervisors and general directors of these companies.


Thus, the Central Bank revoked licenses of five out of the nine Russian forex dealers. Alfa-forex, VTB-forex, PSB-forex and Finam-forex remained on the market.


Liabilities of Russia’s five largest forex dealers amount to 35 mln rubles ($505,000) and will be returned to clients in full by January 27, 2019, department head of the Central Bank Larisa Selyutina said.


"The total amount of liabilities with companies, whose licenses were revoked, are equal to 35 mln rubles ($505,000), accounting for approximately 3.7% of the total amount of money delivered by Russian nationals to licensed forex dealers," the official said.


"These funds are at nominal accounts. Prior to starting their business, forex dealers must open a nominal account with the bank, where customers’ funds will be credited. The forex dealer will not have right to dispose of such money. These funds will be repaid to clients by January 27," Selyutina said.