baker notable
>>4486854 As Hemp Legalized, Facebook Bans Hemp Pages … to Protect Big Pharma?
baker notable?
>>4487123 Apple Bans Christian App (Biblical teachings on sexuality); Google and Amazon Urged to Follow Suit
Is one of her email addresses?
I've seen
and others
Not quite sure I've seen this one though.
Here's the modified copy including Brennan, that Q approved.
Fully agree with paraphgraphs 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Only partial agreement with paragraphs 7-8.
Agree these spirits are outside of time.
Agree dreaming (and other approaches) may access data outside of time.
Agree multiple timelines which are subject to change and can likely be navigated in some fashion by some.
Agree this kind of truth is extremely DANGEROUS because it would scare the pants off most people.
Carry on, anons. Let us do God's work. Let us pray for God's will to be done on earth, as it is in (timeless eternal) heaven.
What's wrong with me?
I'm expecting a literal Tweet from POTUS
when he wishes to announce the Storm.