good self delusion
fyi all races were bred by annunaki with their own genes mixed with early hominids
semites turned out to be the best breed for servants - smart hard working tough
whites not so much
good self delusion
fyi all races were bred by annunaki with their own genes mixed with early hominids
semites turned out to be the best breed for servants - smart hard working tough
whites not so much
>And you also left out that the synagogue of satan pulled a bait and switch.
oh? what was that you refer to?
i know the history pretty well so dont make stuff up now…
>Same neighborhood.
very true
so why do you focus so much on one tribe?
many semites in the neighborhood
you are a real petty thinker anon
the jesus story is a tiny bookmark in history and one that failed - let alone some random single remark taken out of context
just consider ourselves lucky that jesus tried again and this time - we won
again hebrews are a signficant side story but thats it
jesus = the man who convinced the annunaki to save us
typical faux intellectual garble
yes thats true 100%
and that leads you to conclude its just a myth?
kek you are far behind
i think we have some common ground anon
yes jesus has fought many battles in many different times
but your point is that jesus never took form in this world?
then i do not agree
yes i believe in spritual warfare which we just won the battle = GA
jesus is the main link between human and non-material worlds
anons this mad hatter ID is still lurking - yes Q pointed to torrey but why? here is one idea from the wikileaks emails - raised red flags to me
Clinton has known Brendan Torrey of Clifton Park since he was born. Torrey is the son of Barry and Tiffany Torrey and the grandson of Marty Torrey, chief of staff for former U.S. Rep. John Sweeney. Clinton met Marty Torrey in Washington when he was working for Sweeney.the young man had been diagnosed at birth with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.
He started chemotherapy treatments when he just was 6 weeks old.
yeah i was shocked when potus also dealyed the jfk stuff
but i trust potus 1000% and i am certain we will know at the right time
also who knocked down the towers
he promised and he keeps his promises
well we agreee on the important part - jesus
to me god the father is a construct or metaphor for THE ALL which we cannot comprehend
but either way we are blessed to have jesus represent and help us!
happy new year anon
you know what this shit it
so what do you want Q potus to do?
shortcut the plan?
dont think so
you dont think potus knows this shit?
you dont think potus hate it as much as us?
he lives in it too
yes anon i agree
but its even more clear
mauro biglio did a new OT translation for the vatican but was fired and benned after the first chapters were revealed
"man was made from the materials of the Gods"