Anonymous ID: a01278 Dec. 27, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.4486848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Baker - Theory within Graphic regarding Ezra Cohen-Watnick & legal workaround to collect/introduce evidence that's been sealed by BHO Executive "State Secrets" Privilege.


Subject: "ECW Bridges the roles of NSC (Overseer), NSA/MI/Flynn (True Intel), C_A (DisInfo Intel), and DOJ (Legally Introduce Evidence).


Recall this timeline from Early April:

  • ECW joined the DOJ as NatSecAdvisor.

  • Trump Tower Fire/Raid

  • FBI burning midnight Oil


Either the FBI was working overtime to scower through the treasure trove of evidence that was inadvertently collected during Trump Tower Fire/Raid, OR the FBI was actively trying to cover it's own ass by recovering & concealing anything damning/incriminating. I tend to believe the former.