Anonymous ID: 489e65 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.4489674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9720 >>9834 >>9857


Starts out as just a 'good ol boy' network. you're a 1st degree nobody. bunch of frat boys get together and get drunk and laugh at the lodge.


as you stay, pay your dues, you have to do more "rituals" to gain greater rewards. starts out riding the electric goat. stupid frat shit.


"for he's a jolly good fellow, which no BROTHER can deny"


but as you go further down the rabbit hole, they ask you to do more extreme things. always seeking the "illuminating light"


"Spit on the cross and deny God" if you say no, they will say, "correct, that is the right answer" but you will not gain any more levels.


Fuck this woman in the ass in front of everyone. If you say, no I'm married, they say "of course, that's the correct answer." but you go no further.


Sacrifice this child and drink it blood… etc. you get the idea.


Because religion, specifically Christianity, is their enemy. Morals, rules, laws, all go against their one holy belief:




Who is the light giver? Jahbulon (Lucifer)


That's the secret. they believe Lucifer, Satan, is the one true god who sought to give knowledge to man in the garden while God the Father sought to deny man. They worship Lucifer and believe we can become gods in the flesh, if only we are illuminated. (Illuminati)

Anonymous ID: 489e65 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.4489811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9827 >>9856 >>9865 >>9873 >>9899


my father is a mason. i've learned about some things from him, did my own research later about things he didn't want to discuss.


you are REQUIRED to believe in God to be a mason… so that later on you may deny God as you declare YOURSELF god.



Anonymous ID: 489e65 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.4489870   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Jah-buhl-on is a combination of 3 names




On (Osiris)


there is only one LORD JESUS. mason's are satanic, don't let anyone deceive you otherwise