Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.4489405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413 >>9440 >>9457 >>9894

Jerome Corsi: “I’ve Got Evidence That the FBI and Mueller’s Team Are Now Harassing My Family”


Conservative journalist, Dr. Jerome Corsi says Robert Mueller’s team and the FBI is harassing his family after the special counsel questioned him for over 40 hours about his ‘inside sources’ at WikiLeaks and alleged advance knowledge Julian Assange was going to release John Podesta’s emails.


Dr. Corsi spoke to Fox Business host Trish Regan on Wednesday and said he has evidence Mueller’s thugs and the FBI are harassing members of his family with surveillance vans and FBI door knocks.


“Right now I’ve got evidence that the FBI and Mueller’s team are now harassing my family,” Corsi said, adding, “They’re doing door knocks to my stepson. They’re parking surveillance vans with two agents outside the places where various members of my family work.”


“My children have done nothing wrong. My wife who I’ve been married to for 27 years and now they’re gonna try to make them criminals? Harassing my family is beyond bounds and I won’t stand for it,” Corsi said.


Mossad sure is noisy

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.4489430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462 >>9894

2018 Is the Year Big Tech Censors Revealed Their True Colors


In virtually any given week in 2018, you could expect at least one of the following: the media would run a negative story about the president, a Democrat would complain about Russia, and a tech platform would censor a prominent conservative.


All three are connected. The alternative media, which the public now relies on to debunk the hysteria of the establishment press, has faced a sustained attack by the masters of the universe in Silicon Valley, who have either banned them from their platforms or undercut their traffic with algorithm changes. Meanwhile, the tech titans pour money into the corporate press, propping up the old media elites even as they crush their competition.


Democrats, still determined to cast the President’s election as illegitimate two years after the fact, still harp on about Russia, even as more evidence reveals how minuscule and meaningless Putin’s election “influence operation” really was. Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently told Congress that his company discovered just $4,700 in ad spending from Russia-linked accounts in 2016.


Those same Democrats ridicule conservative complaints of tech censorship as a conspiracy theory, even when leaks from the tech companies themselves prove that it’s happening. “The Good Censor,” an internal Google briefing leaked to me earlier this year admits point-blank that the tech giants “shifted towards censorship” after 2016. It seems Google’s own researchers disagree with the Democrats’ defense of the company. That’s to be expected — Google pays its researchers to tell it the truth. It pays Congressional Democrats for other reasons.


You don’t need leaks to discern Silicon Valley’s bias, though. You can just look at the tech platform’s actions. In the past year alone, we saw the following blacklistings, representing only the most prominent of those to feel Silicon Valley’s wrath.:


Islam critic Tommy Robinson was banned by Twitter and PayPal.

Conservative activist Laura Loomer was banned by Twitter.

Republican consultant R.C. Maxwell was banned by Twitter.

Centrist YouTuber Carl Benjamin (a.k.a. “Sargon of Akkad”) was banned by Patreon.

Candace Owens was suspended by Twitter

James Woods was suspended for 30 days by Twitter

I, Hypocrite, a page that highlights far-left hate speech, was banned by Facebook

Avi Yemini, a Jewish-Australian IDF veteran and conservative activist was banned by Facebook

Mohammed Tawhidi, an anti-extremist Australian imam was banned by Facebook

The Babylon Bee, a conservative satire site, was threatened with suspension by Facebook

Conservative activist Terrence K. Williams was suspended by Facebook

Gavin McInnes was banned by Twitter and Facebook

At the urging of the corporate media, Alex Jones and Infowars were banned by Facebook, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Pinterest, and YouTube

Over 800 alternative news accounts were banned by Facebook just a few weeks before the midterms

An untold number of rank and file conservatives, who do not have the pull to shame the platforms into reinstating their accounts, also were silenced.

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.4489474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flight attendant's dad joins her on six flights just to spend Christmas with her


When an Ohio father learned that his daughter wouldn't make it home for Christmas because of her work schedule, he decided to join her on the job.


Pierce Vaughn, a Delta Air Lines flight attendant, was scheduled to fly six flights on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so her dad, Hal Vaughn, found a way to spend the holidays with her, WMAQ-TV reported.


Hal used his family flight benefits to book a seat on every one of her flights. Then he spent two days flying across the country with Pierce.


Passenger Mike Levy, who sat next to Hal on a flight to Detroit, posted about Hal's determination to spend Christmas with his daughter.


"I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home. His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had to work over Christmas," Levy wrote on Facebook. "Hal decided he would spend the holiday with her. So, he is flying on each of her flights today and tomorrow around the country to spend time with his daughter for Christmas. What a fantastic father! Wish you both a very Merry Christmas!"

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.4489526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>9575

Jeb Bush On Syria: 'Donald Trump Is Bad For Israel… Hopefully Our President Will Reverse His Decision'


Failed presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Wednesday on Twitter that he hopes President Trump will "reverse his decision to abandon Syria" because it's "bad for Israel."


He linked to an article from the New York Times by neocon Bret Stephens which said "that the ultimate long-term threat to Israel is the resurgence of isolationism in the U.S."


"What Israel most needs from the U.S. today is what it needed at its birth in 1948: an America committed to defending the liberal-international order against totalitarian enemies, as opposed to one that conducts a purely transactional foreign policy based on the needs of the moment or the whims of a president."


Stephens said the idea "neoconservatives always put Israel first" is an "invidious myth":


Contrary to the invidious myth that neoconservatives always put Israel first, the reasons for staying in Syria have everything to do with core U.S. interests. Among them: Keeping ISIS beaten, keeping faith with the Kurds, maintaining leverage in Syria and preventing Russia and Iran from consolidating their grip on the Levant.

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.4489541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Absolute Proof That Trillions of Dollars of Quantitative Easing Ended Up Doing Nothing For the Economy But Enriching The Already Wealthy.


“The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy.”


This graph shows us that instead of being employed as economic grease, the trillions of dollars injected into the economy merely slipped into the pockets of the already wealthy. A heist of extraordinary proportions.

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.4489555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9579 >>9894

Report: Southeast Syrian Rebels Ready to Surrender After US Pullout From Tanf Base


Commanders try to negotiate safe passage for rebel north


The US withdrawal from Syria includes the withdrawal from the remote US military base at al-Tanf, and that’s got some of the rebel factions in the southeastern area around the base wondering what comes next.


Reporters say that many of the rebels are openly saying that they intend to lay down their arms and surrender as soon as the US leaves al-Tanf, and try to join into one of the Syrian government’s reconciliation offer.


On the other hand, commanders from the US-backed Mahavir al-Saura brigade are looking for life after the US by issuing a demand for Syria to grant them safe passage for 6,000 fighters into the rebel-held northern Syria area around Idlib.


Such a deal is probably unlikely, as Syria is keen to negotiate reconciliation and will doubtless want to pursue that before making any deals to pack even more rebels into Idlib Province.

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.4489619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9641

Israel Tried to Trick Syria Into Shooting Down Civilian Airliners In Christmas Day Attack


Israel may have tried to trick Syria into shooting down two civilian airplanes with their latest airstrike carried out on Christmas Day, according to report released Wednesday.


From South Front:


The Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out its recent airstrikes in Syria when two civilians planes were landing in Beirut and Damascus, putting passengers at risk, Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) of Russia told reporters on December 26.


"Provocative acts by the Israeli Air Force endangered two passenger jets when six of their F-16s carried out airstrikes on Syria from Lebanese airspace," RT quoted the spokesman as saying.


According to Konashenkov, the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) delayed the deployment of surface-to-air missiles and electronic jamming "to prevent a tragedy." Meanwhile, the Damascus air traffic control diverted one of the passenger jets to a reserve airport in Khmeimim in southern Lattakia.


Konashenkov said that 6 Israeli F-16 warplanes used 16 US-made GPS-guided GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) in the attack, which occurred at the late hours of December 25. Only 2 SDBs managed to hit their targets, while the rest were intercepted by the SyAADF.


Israeli media claimed that Israeli warplanes struck a shipment of Iranian-made Fajir-5 rockets, which was on its way to Hezbollah. However, the Ministry of Defense of Syria said that the "aggression" targeted an ammo depot of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) injuring three service members.


Last September, a Russian Il-20 plane was downed by Syrian air defense fire when Israeli warplanes used it as a cover to strike targets on the Syrian coast. The recent airstrikes show that Israel is now using the same tactic with civilian planes, which endangers the flights not only over Syria, but also over Lebanon and Jordan.


If Syria had shot down two civilian planes on Christmas Day right after Trump announced he was pulling out of the country, the pressure to reverse his decision would have been tremendous.

Anonymous ID: 55eb53 Dec. 27, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.4489686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Visualizing the Extreme Concentration of Global Wealth


In recent decades, extreme world poverty has declined significantly and many millions of people have joined the swelling ranks of the middle class – particularly in China.


While these economic shifts are positive, it’s the other end of the global wealth spectrum that attracts the most attention. A high degree of wealth creation is amassed by those at the top of the economic pyramid.



Today, slightly less than 1% of the world’s adult population occupies the $1M+ wealth range. Despite their small numbers, this elite group collectively controls 46% of the world’s wealth, valued at approximately $129 trillion.


On the flip side of the equation, 70% of world’s population fall into the sub-$10K wealth band. This majority of people around the world collectively control a mere 2.7% of the world’s wealth.


Even as “the rich get richer”, there is good news for the majority. The percentage of people in that lowest wealth band has been shrinking over the years.



Not only is money concentrated among a small portion of the population, those people tend to gravitate towards global cities such as London, Hong Kong, and New York.


In fact, 70% of ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) – persons with investable assets of $30 million or more – reside in just ten cities around the world.