lmao I love seeing kikes cry
Mattis is cabal
The fact that he's Israel first is all the proof a non-shill would need. Now, kindly go fuck yourself, yid.
Mattis was also on the Theranos board. How much evidence do you need, retard?
Because if you don't want to die for Israel you're a Nazi
jews mad they can't get donald to fight their wars for him
Cyrus is probably just going to send mercs in instead. They drain the budget faster anyway.
>But I really do not think our guys would use a cabal faggot to be the first person to break the news the Deep State was going down.
OK, so you're just stupid AND gullible then. Take your pilpul somewhere else, maybe you'll get a bite.
But everyone knows it's not legit until you create a Freddy-clock and a Freddy-plan to trust.
what ever happened to the copypasta DIVIDED kike? Did he get a new schtick or still around?
>Mattis is in deep with the cabal because he isn't cabal checkmate
literally a reversal of reality. Pilpul. It's not working here kike, sorry.