Anonymous ID: 281b53 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.4491200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The tweet doesn't say "HEY, ISRAEL!"

>There are several other countries involved, yeah?


OH HAI (pic related)…there is no other country that has continually and historically gotten the US to fight its battles FOR it. That's what 9/11 was all about. Getting American citizens on board invading Iraq.




Fight your own damn battles….but this time when the countries you are attacking fight back or their allies fight back…it's gonna be glorious. Putin isn't going to sit back and watch "greater Israel" take part of Syria. BURN.

Anonymous ID: 281b53 Dec. 27, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.4491284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396

>>4489860 (pb)

>Because we were played by Muslim Brotherhood to fight their battles?

LOL yeah, that's it…KEK…if ISIS was a construct of the US and Israel (it was) then how much you want to bet that the MB is also a construct of Israel to keep neighboring Islamic countries destabilized? What Mudslime countries have outlawed the MB?


HUMMMM….most of them. WHY? Agents of the kike? Very possible. Could explain why, like ISIS the MB don't do terror in Israel.


Watch out…a cornered Jew (or one facing the possibility they'll have to spill their own fucking blood) is a very dangerous animal. Expect more squealing from the kikes once they realize…it's fucking over assholes…no more American blood….and expect 9/11 redux…because (((THEY))) won't take this laying down.