Anonymous ID: 2bfb0d Dec. 27, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.4490815   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0864


>The whole origin story of the Rosicrucians is kind of sketchy.

it's just an allegory, they go back farther than the masons, and they're manifestos, not books

masonry branched off form rosicrucianism, not the other way around

but as for the leadership, I have no clue, could be jews but I doubt it

I like digging on these secret societies and shit


like the masons, rosicrucians predate them

the """founding""" of the rosicrucians was really just the revealing of them in Europe

they 'claim' to go back before Egypt

Anonymous ID: 2bfb0d Dec. 27, 2018, 3:07 p.m. No.4490893   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0920 >>0934 >>0970


>It started at the same time as Switzerland was founded right?

Our Roots in the Ancient World

The Rosicrucian movement, of which the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is the most prominent modern representative, has its roots in the mystery traditions, philosophy, and myths of ancient Egypt dating back to approximately 1500 BCE In antiquity the word “mystery” referred to a special gnosis, a secret wisdom. Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt select bodies or schools were formed to explore the mysteries of life and learn the secrets of this hidden wisdom. Only sincere students, displaying a desire for knowledge and meeting certain tests were considered worthy of being inducted into these mysteries. Over the course of centuries these mystery schools added an initiatory dimension to the knowledge they transmitted.


It is further traditionally related that the Order’s first member-students met in secluded chambers in magnificent old temples, where, as candidates, they were initiated into the great mysteries. Their mystical studies then assumed a more closed character and were held exclusively in temples which had been built for that purpose. Rosicrucian tradition relates that the great pyramids of Giza were most sacred in the eyes of initiates. Contrary to what historians affirm, our tradition relates that the Giza pyramids were not built to be the tombs of pharaohs, but were actually places of study and mystical initiation. The mystery schools, over centuries of time, gradually evolved into great centers of learning, attracting students from throughout the known world.


Pharaoh Thutmose III, who ruled Egypt from 1500 to 1447 B.C., organized the first esoteric school of initiates founded upon principles and methods similar to those perpetuated today by the Rosi­crucian Order, AMORC. Decades later Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was initiated into the secret school. This most enlightened pharaoh—history’s first monotheist—was so inspired by the mystery teachings that he gave a completely new direction to Egypt’s religion and philosophy. He established a religion which recognized the Aton, the solar disk, as being the symbol of the sole deity—the foundation of life itself, the symbol of Light, Truth, and Joy—and changed his name to Akhnaton to reflect these new ideas. And although the earlier religion was later reestablished, the mystical idea was put forth in human consciousness, and its flame never died.


Centuries later, Greek philosophers such as Thales and Pythagoras, the Roman philosopher Plotinus, and others, journeyed to Egypt and were initiated into the mystery schools. They then brought their advanced learning and wisdom to the Western world. Their experiences are the first records of what eventually grew and blossomed into the Rosicrucian Order. The name of the Order, as it is now known, was to come much later. However, the Rosicrucian Order always perpetuated its heritage of ancient symbolism and principles.


you'll find various "founding dates", but in reality, what we know as the rosicrucians is an ancient order/organization

I'll try to find sauce, I've read it predates judaism itself

Anonymous ID: 2bfb0d Dec. 27, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.4490960   🗄️.is đź”—kun


That's what I've experienced too

this cite has a lot:

it's apparently an attempt from the early 1900s to rebrand it for the USA

it's hard to find their real origins, but I know it's not the 1300/1400s and the 1600/1700s

that was just when they went public (in waves, latest was 1900/2000)

Anonymous ID: 2bfb0d Dec. 27, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.4491446   🗄️.is đź”—kun


> we are at the last stages of THE PLAN?

imo, the peace deal needs to happen before israel is finally btfo'd

so no, not the last stages, but progressing well

they are on their own in syria formally, they have been for about a year or so now