Krassenstiein hallmark. Be first to respond, because in everything else, you're last.
The one in Ft. Myers, Florida?
Hey, thanks for posting that the masons worship satan. Appreciate it.
If John Solomon's reporting it, it's got to be Q!
Quite sure they are friends.
Kind of works both ways tho
Lots of firsts lately for the City of Whores and Orphans.
That poor kid.
It was great! Now I know that if I want to worship satan, all I have to do is go to the masons and ask them to join!
Oh, my, no. I have no desire to be in eternal flames.
I get what you're saying; it's awkward, but I think the other clues in the tweets are more interesting. FNU, for instance.
Oh, my, no, not that lucky at birth.
Not traditionally, no.
Before the evil kicked in.
Too stupid to breathe and blink simultaneously.
Good to know, thanks doc.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.
Just when I thought a currency could have less backing it than "full faith and credit", they invented literal 0 and 1 currency, and sold it to idiots.
Exactly. The shills hate being filtered, so I filter them on sight.
I remember, but what I remember are the lies that were propagated through the media.
It's a compelling argument. It was the very moment the casket was going by. Unless of course the casket was empty, and then it was just a literal dog and pony show. But JEB! caught on to whatever it was very quickly, so it had to be short. You're under arrest? Maybe?
I see what you're saying; the photo does look very fake. Oddly has depth.
The two girls in the bottom left. Just putting a cursor over the pic, their hair jumps out as fake.
Does this mean what I think it means?
Profile CMM Type Apple Computer Inc.
Profile Version 4.0.0
Profile Class Display Device Profile
Color Space Data RGB
Profile Connection Space XYZ
Profile Date Time 2017:07:07 13:22:32
I'm disturbed by how fascinating this pure evil is.
Oh, I had no idea. wat do. shit.