Anonymous ID: e35184 Dec. 27, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.4491784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1803 >>1920 >>1955


I read no filters as, "this place allows pretty much anything to be posted, aside from what is obvious like CP."


I filter judiciously. I'm not gonna waste my time scrolling past endless Toots and Freddy posts. I put up with Gorefag way beyond reason, now I just filter and move on. Everyone on this board filters, whether it is the scroll wheel or whatever. No one has time to pay attention to every minutia of garbage being posted. I feel shills shill hardest against filter cause it robs them of slowing your attention or at least from cluttering everything in your way with useless garbage. After the millionth time of seeing "Q is a proven larp", I feel confident that such poster has nothing of value to add to the thread, at least nothing that I'M going to benefit from. I graduated kindergarten, don't need to stick around to see how the blue square fits through the blue square hole, ya know?


idgaf if another anons have ideological differences about it. They can interpret Q how they want. When I cook, I don't use every spice on the spice rack. I filter for what is appropriate to that meal, and do similar for all future meals.


I've yet to really miss something important. Important stuff finds a way.

my 2cents

Anonymous ID: e35184 Dec. 27, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.4491983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Anons can make their own minds up easily enough without some faggot telling everyone who to filter every fucking bread.

>containment agents


I can see your point. That's why I'm judicious about it. Scrolling and not engaging are my usual filters. Filter button for the bread-devouring kindergarten shills.
