Anonymous ID: 00a505 Dec. 27, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.4492740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen


The Big Awakening.


Through dedicated people who are looking for the truth, many revelations come together.


People start searching when they are no longer convinced of information presented by governments and MSM Propaganda on behalf of the CABAL.


My report is a mirror of the perception of facts as I see them at the moment, the awareness of the great deception.


We live between friction and reality, being massively manipulated to serve an agenda that should bring about our own downfall, according to the plan of the CABAL who has captured us in a false reality for thousands of years (the Matrix).


In awakening people, perceptions through our senses do not correspond to our value and norms, conviction and Conscience from our hearts, rational thinking and spirituality are then in direct opposition to each other.


This provides the drive to find out where our conflicts of conscience and misery come from.



Religion has sold us as a spiritual rule we should live by.


We discover that our life based on Religion was a phrase to control and manipulate ourselves in order to control.


The present Pope appears to be a Left neoliberal fascist, a servant of evil, he is a proven Satanist who sacrifices children and drinks their blood, all he says is purely bad and must contribute to the further destruction of human morality.


The three units of Vatican, City of London and Washington DC are in decline by all the revelations of crimes against humanity by the CABAL.


We see that the Army in the US no longer accepts the orders of the CABAL, and will clean up the ship, to which also in Europe several generals will join to purify the world of the Zionists.


The left-wing neoliberal globalist fascists will not have the opportunity to turn the world into an NWO dictatorship, in which the world population will be decimated and will have to work as slaves for the paedophile satanic Elite.


The Clinton's, Obamas, Bush's, Merkel, Macron, Rutte, Soros, UN and EU fascists, false monarchy will be deprived of all appropriated power.



Thanks Donald J Trump and the alliance of US Generals and foreign heads of state and services, but also the population is growing resistance to the NWO.


Since communication via the MSM is not possible because it is determined by the CABAL Globalists, the phenomenon Q has arisen, with its Anon Team.


The Christian persecution that is promoted by the Vatican and is now going on worldwide will stop, with the introduction of GESARA.


All governments that have been poisoning their own population for years with Chemtrails, or other attacks on their own population to carry out their Kalergi plan will be tried before a tribunal.


False Gladio attacks against own people will be made public (MH17) and who the beneficiaries were with what interests by Shell and other multinationals.


The riddle of Q seems unravelled, source Robert Remijnse via Facebook: 1974 book 'The universal creation' How do you think of the following? Q revealed 45 years ago. Fake? Coincidence?


Christus Unitas Universitatis abbreviated CUU and pronounced Q and the Anon army of billions of spiritually awakened people referred to as Angels will rise up to wipe out the 0.1%.


The end of the NWO under construction will very soon happen with the collapse of the Fiat Money system, which will be replaced by the QFS, via the AIIB with the CIPS protocol everything will be transparent and abuse of power will be prevented.


During the absence of POTUS Donald J Trump, the wave of arrests will be started, which will replace the Fiat money system and implode Wall street, without completely collapsing the real economy, because Wall street does not reflect the real value of companies or products and services.



It is up to us to shape our own future as a sovereign population of sovereign states around the world, the time of suffering is over, the time of hope has come for the entire world population, regardless of their religion.


There will be a time of reflection to allow everyone to get used to the opportunities it will offer humanity, and to allow people of good will to work together to eradicate poverty, and to restore the earth from unscrupulous exploitation to preserve power through the criminal Cabal Elite.


As time goes by, people will discover their true powers, so in time money will no longer be needed to live together and trade.


Many jobs will be lost, leaving room for enjoying and developing one's own talents, family, nature and animals.


Warm Regards


Rinus Verhagen