Why is it people can't understand that they are being manipulated? The Politicians are but mere puppets of the King makers, a group of Globalist billionaires and families worth trillions. They pay agitators in protests and finance political campaigns all around the world. They own the media companies that decide what news that you will be allowed to hear. They fear liberty, freedom, and a public that is well armed. If we don't wake up, I mean really wake up to this existential threat to all mankind we will not recognize The United States of America anymore.
This is the reason that over 91% of the media coverage of Donald J. Trump has been negative. Donald J. Trump is the firs serious threat to the global establishment since JFK and we all know what happened to him. The media has been seeded (hand selected) with people who believe that they succeeded on their own merit. They believe that the majority thinks like they do because they only surround themselves with others that are as twisted as they are. They infiltrated school boards and text book publishing companies to "shape" your children to be more subservient to their Globalist agenda. They used the environmentalist movement to reshape your thinking then when the USA cleaned up all pollutants to a degree that the environmental movement started to be satisfied they created a new pollutant called Carbon Dioxide.
CarbonDioxide is a natural gas and a result of natural processes (breathing). It is also the cleanest result you can achieve when burning carbon fuels for energy. When you have cleaned all of the pollutants from emissions, you are left with Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide levels were at a critical low level when they began to rise at the beginning of industrialization. We all die (perish) at believed to be 150 parts per million. We were getting uncomfortably close to that when it began to rise. It's not that we shouldn't be concerned about the environment, on the contrary, there are real pollutants out there to worry about, carbon dioxide just isn't one of them.
So if you consider yourself to be a rebel, activist, non conformist, or whatever you should be wearing a MAGA hat proudly to your ANTIFA rallies because if you are truly anti-Fascist then you should be pro-Trump. Make no mistake this is a fight for the liberty of all mankind.