Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:14 p.m. No.4493136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3150 >>3178 >>3215 >>3236

>>4492756 (pbs)

Although this is shit, let me halp you…unless Cohen's passport was stamped …he wasn't there. Even if he traveled to shengen and onward…his passport would be stamped there would be a record of his travel…period.


Methinks this is more asshattery. Had his passport been stamped at ALL during that time frame we would know about it…these people…are stupid. And…one wonders…if the tech to survey phone pings (which we're assuming is in "good" hands now…where did this shit come from?…10/10 more asshattery. Besides, Trump had fired him by then anyway.


Turned from what? Have you ever bothered to research him? Listen to countless interviews? Do you know he was educated in UK and is a brilliant man? And…despite the kike efforts, he is still alive? speaks to the loyalty of the people around him. Jaysus people….educate yourself.


Want to see what a beast of a genius Putin is? GO listen to his once a year free for all press conferences…that man NEVER blinks. I used to envy Russia their president….now we have a genius president of our own. Together…they will UNWIND what has been choking the life out of us.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.4493274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3289


>US Diplomatic passport (no

Black passports get stamped to. The only benefit to having one is ….speeding through lines and protection from…harassment so to speak. Don't ask me how I know this.


He could have had a fake passport…but that makes carrying his own phone kind of stupid…kek..


this is just more bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.4493277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3313 >>3326

>>4492872 (pb)

JAYSUS FUCKINGHCHRIST…this shit is shit..who believes this? Neck yourselves. This shit never happened. PERIOD. You know why? Because ANON (and I don't mean the shitheads larping as ANON on 8) screencap everything.


The way you retards have let this shit take over the board by NOT ignoring it…speaks to the smallness of your minds.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.4493468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4492964 (pb)

>My main issue with this board and 'community' is how questioning anything or having doubts about anything = shill

>think about how dangerous that line of thinking is.. how long until you are on the outside asking questions and getting called a shill? Might be sooner than you think.


I've grown to hate the word shill….it's…as bad as item…I hate that word too.


The population replacement program on infinity has been completed. There is no critical thinking (or very little)..people with low locus of control (can't resist responding to things they don't like)….it's made one of the most effective powerful crowd sourced intelligence groups on earth into nothing more than a "no you" board.


Q is a LARP…that does not mean fake….it's a massive psyop and people who don't get that are nothing more than pic related. What did we get for xmas? Jack shit…that's right…Q got the mouth breathers so excited..their excitement turned into butt puckering from the targets…who don't know what to think, where to go, what to believe..this is one of the most important parts of any pysop….


People actually believe NoName was put down, that poppy was executed…and that's just a few of the stoopid fucking shit being posted on here. JAYSUS it's a sad sad day when the planefags are all that remains of "it's just the planes"…


Look at it this way…there is a LOT of evidence that religions are shite…pure shite…but people who "believe" would rather DIE than investigate for themselves outside what they need and want to believe…rather..they double the fuck down…that's what is happening here. over and over…there's been NOTHING in the "box"….but rather than admit it…they double down…


there is movement happening…shit I predicted and expected but that the religitards screamed NOOOO (and the jewtards were loving that)..and yet, here we are…see, there was NO WAY I was going to believe that Trump did NOT KNOW what israel has been doing…nope…there's no way he didn't know (((WHO))) has been managing all the blackmail etc…and he has avoided being caught in any of (((THEIR))) traps and trust me, that is why there is so much damn screaming when he won.


Made me grin so big…and watching the retards here …"trump loves Israel"…kek…I was just waiting…and it's happened.


FUCK ISRAEL….the game is a foot…and it's close to being over.


BUT…..muhQ…well tards…fire up that short bus..useful idiots are useful.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.4493505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3514 >>3533


>If it didn't really happen

>Then why does New Freddy suck so bad compared to Old Freddy?

Argh… why the flipping fuck do you even care?


You're part of the fucking problem. Ignore it…there's more talking about that shit here than anything else..which of course, seems pretty much the plan….thanks for halping them.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.4493541   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> yeah they get stamped but you don't keep them once you leave.

stamped…and recorded..and I cannot imagine Cohen ever qualifying for a black passport…but who knows….and yeah…you don't get to keep them.

Anonymous ID: 6ea0f1 Dec. 27, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.4493567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3634


>they can just drop someone new in and we wouldn't notice

WHO CARES? LITERALLY…you make it matter by endlessly talking about it…like…fuck..pic related. You're worse than Mrs. Kravitz.