Q is a LARP?
Q BOFA? OMG, Toots and Freddy need to shit post more. Anons. Reconcile.
At least we still have Q
Freddy BOFA still shit posts da Q LARP.
Freddy has so much power to shit post a LARP. So much power.
You what now? You shit post LARP Freddy. So much power to shit post LARP. Power up now.
Shit post LARP, Toots. So much power to shit Post LARP.
Freddy has BOFA shit post power? All for a LARP?
Q is LARP, senpai?
BOFA deez nutz in Toots' mouth. So much power to shit post a Q LARP.
Q is LARP, Freddy. Jesus praises shit posting Q LARP. So much Powur.
Look what Freddy did. Freddy shit posted a LARP because Q LARP is not real so Freddy keeps shit posting for TWO MONTHS. Wow, Anons, Freddy so, so much power. OMG! That will show Qanons. Right Freddy? Shit posting more power than real posting.
Freddy used so much power to break in Q LARP. Oh, wow. So much powur Freddy. What about real Q LARP? Why Freddy no break?
BOFA Freddy nutz got neutered by Q LARP? So much Powyr to shit post Q LARP for TWO months. So much power. Why no shit post real Q LARP, Freddy? Why no shit post?
BOFA deez Freddy's Nutz were chemiccally neutered by Q LARP. So much powur, Freddy. So much powyr. Tell me this. Why you no shit post real Q LARP. Why you no shit post, hmmm?