Freddy is bottom of gay Q LARP doing interracial parn. Why Freddy no shit post real Q LARP. Why no power?
Why no Freddy dox the Q? No powur to dox the Q?
So, so much powur. Interracial cat sex, but why Freddy no dox the Q, hmmm?
The Saudi Royal family are descended from Talmudic Jews, so there is that.
No kidding. Just do it already, Q! We all have blue balls.
Q, we need to take out the tippy top of the Illuminati pyramid. America supports this endeavor. We are waiting for orders, over.
It has to be from the ionization of oxygen. The energy levels are such that the ionized electrons emit blue light when moving to a lower and more stable energy level. Research luminescence and recombination, such as electron-hole recombination. Same concept, only with gases.
Light is emitted when an electron moves from a high energy level to a lower energy level.