We have a fairly wide audience, so does anyone remember this 9-11 system problem EVER occurring anywhere else in the U.S.?
I've learned not to get overly excited. It's kinda like guessing when Jesus comes back. 99 out of a 100, we'll be dead wrong no matter wtf plagues are hitting.
I don't disagree. I just maintain at rest heart rate by now bc I still need sleep and have lost way too much over false alarms.
Little Rock and DC by chance?
Maybe white hats are cutting off the Black Hats Bat Lines. No more comms for you muddafuckas.
Are we still on "2018 will be GLORIOUS"?
clocks ticking, lights and 9-11 are out, twats quiets, no POTUS schedule, silent Q…
CenturyLink is a Louisiana based company. CEO is a southern dude named Jeff Story who also has six kids. Patriot? IDK, but so far sounds good.
Night night GHW and No Name.
They can have Seattle. Good luck and Godspeed Chicoms.