Some people might be interested to know that in the 2016 election, there was a small 3rd party active which had a platform largely in sync with the ideals and spirit of this Qresearch.
It was/is called the Free Energy Party (wished they would have changed the name myself). One of the main planks to their party platform is releasing/popularizing cures for cancer and other diseases as an alternative to the BigPharma/Insurance/Hospital cabal system.
The Free Energy Party suffered from poor organization and fundraising; also there were lots of issues (like defense) they gave scant attention to. They struggled to find candidates to run under their party banner.
But, if you look at their ideas, they were/are spot-on regarding so many things, including cancer treatment. The FEP is one group that could reform itself and grow next year as the D's die out and the R's get overhauled.